Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I may go on a rampage today.

This picture adequately describes how I feel right now.

Warning: if you're offended by foul language, I'd stop reading today's post. (Sorry Mom)

So, for those of you don't follow my agonizingly trivial Twitter updates (click here) and don't know what's going on with me every second of every day, I thought I'd update you on how heinous my life is right now.

When I came back from fall break, I had a letter in my door stating they were going to start re-paneling my building. "The process should take about 3-4 weeks, and will work Monday-Saturday, 8-5." Now you can imagine this may be annoying to a normal human being. Let alone one with a dog, who sleeps until noon everyday, and whose day is absolutely ruined if she doesnt get enough sleep. It's like my drug. But I thought, maybe it won't be so bad.


Those fuckers have been hammering away for 2 weeks now and looks like they barely have made any progress. I don't know how long this is going to take. I could deal with just the hammering, but Domer seems to think he needs to bark for 3 HOURS STRAIGHT every SINGLE MORNING. We are on the second floor and they walk around on their ladders and he sees them and it's creepy, I get it. But you'd think he'd be over it by now. I've tried everything. I take him outside to show him they are just doing their job. I sit with him and pet him and tell him it's okay. I cuss him the fuck out and tell him to shut up. It has worked off and on, until this morning, when one of them had climbed on my patio- I guess it is more stable than the ladder, who knew. Anyways, Domer was NOT a fan of this. He pretty much tried to eat the man through the door. Again, I tried to explain to him he wasn't going to break in and hurt us, but oddly enough logic seems to be lost on him. Actual conversation we had this morning:

"DOMER! SHUT THE FUCK UP. I FUCKING GET IT. IT'S ANNOYING. Do you know what makes it more annoying? Your cake ass barking non stop. MOMMY IS PISSED. THEY ARE NOT GOING TO BREAK IN, I PROMISE. So unless you want to move to the FUCKING POUND, SHUT THE HELL UP."- me

*Silence, until I walk in my room and shut the door...then...WOOF WOOF!"-Domer

Fuck. And the thing is, I don't have class every day til 1 or 2. So generally I sleep til noon, work out, go to class, come back around 5. Domer barks all morning which is putting me in the gym significantly earlier than I'd prefer to be, but whatever. The KICKER is, when I come home at 5, they are still pounding away, and he's sound asleep on the couch. OH NOW IT'S OKAY TO SLEEP, WHEN I'M GONE. ASSHOLE.

I realize other people my age have real relationship problems. Well this is mine. My live in boyfriend is pissing me off.

I may be more annoyed than usual today because last night we had tornado warnings. And I get that I joke about 99% of the time, but I for real am scared to death of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. I mean I am from tornado alley. That shit kills people where I'm from. So, last night, about 1230am, tornado warnings and sirens afloat. I could not have been more scared all alone in my apartment. I tried to go to a friends house but it was raining so hard I couldn't even walk outside- no way I could have driven. So, a night of stress and fear plus a morning of barking and hammering= don't fuck with me today.

Anyways. Maybe my heinous life has given you all a laugh today. However, if my sleep schedule continues at the level it is right prepared to read a headline on CNN: "Sleep deprived law student, 24, shoots construction workers, then dog, then self. Leaves all personal items to Leonardo Dicaprio."

PS- on a funnier note- I have tried for a year now to resist Jersey Shore, but I have recently fell captive to it. I think the Situation is the sickest thing on earth, but he has a book coming out, and one of his quotes from it made me LAUGH OUT LOUD during my cloud of angry combative haze this morning. "God grant me the stamina to to satisfy hot girls, the courage to deny grenades, and the wisdom to know the difference."-HAHAHAHAHA. Hate him. But hilarious.

Peace, Love and Leo,


Monday, October 18, 2010

How well do YOU know Mimi?

Where you been?

Wow I haven't blogged in legit 3 months. I know my fans are dying. I apologize. Life gets in the way of blogging. And by life I mean TV shows- I recently got into Dexter, and have finished all 4 seasons in two weeks. Some may call this pathetic, I call this impressive.

So, today I thought I would do something fun for you- a quiz. How well do you know me? We'll start easy... answer key and prizes will be at the bottom...

1.)What movie did I see in the theater 9 times?
a.)Remember the Titans
c.)Inglorious Basterds
d.)Beauty and the Beast

2.)Which piece or pieces of jewelry do I never take off?
a.)The ring Chief gave me at graduation
b.)The necklace Chief and Meech gave me at graduation
c.)My ND class ring
d.) A and C
e.) B and C

3.)Where have I said that I am getting married at for as long as I can remember?
a.)Notre Dame- service in Basillica, reception in JACC
b.)Disney World
c.)Indianapolis so I'm close to home
d.)Belgium where my parents got married

4.) What do I plan on doing when I graduate?
a.)Moving to Indianapolis and becoming a PD
b.)Moving to DC and becoming a PD
c.)Going to another grad school to get a masters in social work
d.)Bumming off Chief and Meech till they kick me out and I have to get a job

5.)When I was little, what was (read: still is) my biggest fear?
b.) Snakes
c.) Thunderstorms
d.) Being a giant

6.)In High School I was the:
a)Senior Class President
b.)Homecoming Queen
c.)Sister in Kristof's basketball glory shadows
d.)Girl who sketched on boys from different schools
e.)all of the above

7.)Even if I'm in a good mood, certain things can make me cry instantly. One of these is:
a.)Songs I think would make good father/daughter wedding dance songs
b.)Those ASPCA animal commercials
c.)Thinking about the time Domer got hit by a car
d.)Greys Anatomy episodes

8.)Who is Big Chief?
b.)My dad
c)Dan Hess
d)My Grandpa

9.)What sports did I play in high school?
a.)Basketball and Golf
b.)Soccer and Gymnastics
c.)Softball and Swimming
d.)Basketball and Softball

10.)What do I think is a huge turn off?
a)Guys who act like thugs
b.)Guys who take longer to get ready than me
c.)Guys who don't have any game/Guys who think they have game but they don't
d.)Guys who aren't Leonardo DiCaprio
e.)All of the above

Alright....ANSWER KEY!!

5.)C..although Ill give you D to because I still am afraid of being a giant.

Hope you enjoyed the you know a tad more about me. Whether that is good or bad...jury's still out.

Peace, Love and Leo


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

These are my confessions

Hello all,

This is one of my favorite Leo pictures.

Also, I realize I suck at updating. I promise it will pick up once school starts in a month and I have to sit in class again everyday struggling to stay awake. I am so busy at work, in court all the time and loving it, that by the time I get home I'm too tired to update! But alas, I am back.

Now, I have had an overwhelming amount of requests (read: 2) to continue my post dealing with my confessions. Apparently my life secrets are so entertaining/embarrassing that you just couldn't get enough. What my readers want, my readers get.

21.)Every single "First Day of School" of my life I have cried, up until sophomore year at college. Every. Single. Time. In elementary school it was because I was shy and afraid of my new classmates. In junior high it was because I was a teenager. In high school it was because I wanted to go back to Westside. Freshmen year I was scared I couldn't hack it at ND. After that, I grew up. It only took 19 years.

22.)I plan on hiring a cook and a house keeper one day. I fail terribly at being domestic and I'm not even going to pretend to try to want to get better at it.

23.)I average between 10-12 hours of sleep a night. Sleep is my religion. I look forward to it during the day. Ask any of my friends- sometimes I will cancel plans to nap or refuse to make plans so that I can sleep in. All of them know better than to ask me to lunch/brunch anything on the weekend before 2pm. In the summers when I work, I am usually in bed by 930. I wake up at 715. You do the math. And it's still not enough sleep.

24.)I was a cuter kid than you.

25.)I used to be obsessed with Chipper Jones, and I was 2 feet away from him once.

Senior year of high school spring break (the best spring break EVER) I went with Laura, Francie and Shea on a cruise and to Orlando/Disney World. Us girls and Laura's dad went to get ice cream at a Dairy Queen, and since it was spring training season, we walked in and THERE WAS CHIPPER. Laura's dad was waiting in the car. Since I was with a bunch of non-sports loving girls, I kept staring and freaking out and they did not understand why. I immediately ran to the car to get Laura's dad, and he freaked out with me. Chipper was with his family, so I didn't ask for an autograph. Some people hang me for this, but I remember how pissed I would/still get when people would stop Chief on the street and try to probe. Especially when I was his little and just wanted his attention. So, I let him go. But being able to stare at him in person was good enough for me.
NOTE: I also went to a spring training game that same break with Laura's dad and brother while the girls layed out, and Tiger Woods and Elin were there...not married yet though. I remember thinking she wasn't pretty in real life.

26.)The first concert I ever went to was BOYS II MEN. I was 8, and so excited. Then I fell asleep in the opening act. FAIL. I had posters of them in my room, and every single CD they ever made. They still are my favorite band of all time. And I'll Make Love to You is one of my ringtones.

27.)I used to be so in love with Eminem. I also had every single one of his CDs, and I would blast them in my room. And in the car with my parents. You'd think this would be a little awkward- especially the songs about him killing his wife, drowning her in a lake and what not, but apparently my parents had no worries I would end up disturbed. Jokes on them, right?

28.)This isn't really a confession, but how wagon are these pictures of Chief from his NBA days? Make me laugh everytime.

29.)I'm obsessed with pregnancy. Not now, or anytime soon, but when I am married and ready etc, I AM GOING TO BE SO HYPE TO HAVE A BABY. I love all that stuff. And I love babies. And my baby is going to be so cute.

30.)My best friend Jamie has a new blog- It is everything my blog will never be- she is recently married and this blog is about the new recipes she tries. If you like cooking, check it out!!

Alright loves, until next time,

Peace, Love and Leo


Sunday, July 4, 2010

I suck at updating


My what a long time it has been! I realize this. Blogging is no easy feat. Actually I just do almost all things on the internet from my phone except blog. So that is why it has been so long. I shall try to do better. Lucky for you all I have a lonnggggg layover-I am currently in Germany right now stuck in the airport on my way back from Belgium. Lovely time over there by the way.

WARNING: This keyboard in Germany is f%&%ked up! The Z is where the Y is supposed to be. So I am going to to have a lot of typos and words and sentences where it seems like I am talking in Russian. I will trz to curtail it as much as possible, but beware.

So, many of you have requested a "Confessions Part II", so like my friend Usher, I will oblige.

1) I have become one of "those" animal people I always made fun of. I missed Domer so much over these past ten dazs in Belgium. I will never leave him for this long again. Like I'm dzing without him. (See what I mean about the z's? I'm too lazy to change it.)

2)When I can't fall asleep at night I plaz the Alphabet Game with mzself. Like, zou know when zou go from A to Z and pick a category- for example, countries- Algeria, Belgium, Canada...etc. I am a nerd like that. I am running out of categories though, I keep doing the same ones over and over and it's getting old. Feel free to throw some suggestions my way.

3)I absolutelz hate traveling. With a passion. This is nothing new. But I can't stand it. I can't stand flzing, I cant stand airports, I can't stand it when everything is not the waz I am used to it.

4)I also hate tourist things, but everzone knows that. Thez combine two of my most hated things-walking and traveling. Blech. I don't see the point. Shit looks exactlz the same on a postcard as it does 5 feet in front of me.

5)I am so desperate for real food. In my previous confessions zou read the food I eat falls into five verz narrow categories. I have been starving in Belgium. I literallz go to bed at night and dream of Burger King and Panera and Bonefish Grill. The second I get stateside I am getting the grilled chicken ceasar salad from Burger King. I've been dreaming of it for ten dazs now. It's like an oasis.

6)Going off of that, I realiyed I am a verz cheap date. (With the FOOD fellas, relax). I hate everzthing fancz. Chain restaurants make me so happy. Anything fancz grosses me out, and I always have to end up ordering steak. And I don't like steak. Not at all. But it's the onlz halfwaz edible things on fancz menus- like raw duck and oyster shells. Really?

This post is becoming mildy incoherent with all the kezboard typos and mz ranting. I am going to end it now and continue more later. I promise.

Love zou all,

Peace Love and Leo


Thursday, June 10, 2010

What's in a name?

So, one of my friends told me about this trick on google. Well it's not really a trick. But, in the search box you just type your name and then "needs" and then see the first 10 things that pop up. It's pretty funny. Here are mine.

1.)Mimi needs to lose the attitude. (ha!)

2.)Mimi needs a tummy tuck. (I'll take it)

3.)Mimi needs help, women! (I'd prefer men)

4.)Mimi needs to find clothes that fit her (this was about Mariah Carey)

5.)Mimi needs a sweet home (I'm a dog now?)

6.)Mimi needs to strike back at Slim Shady! (Another Mariah)

7.)Mimi needs funding. (Ain't that the truth!)

8.)Mimi is too sexy for her jacket. (Yup)

9.)Mimi needs lots of sex (.... no comment...)

10.)Mimi needs a beam wagon (what the hell is that?)

Then, I looked up what a "Mimi" is defined as on Urban Dictionary. (Note- my personal favorite is number 5- it explains so much).

I found out that a Mimi is:

*1- A word to define a wonderful friend. Sweet, funny, sarcastic, but GREAT and beautiful. (I swear that's on there! I didn't make it up! however true it may be :)

*2- A small asian that likes to tell stories with no point.

*3- A cute and sexy babe that exhibits extreme gooorgeousness.

*4- Also known as a mini me

*5-Derived from the spanish word, dormir, it is Mexican slang for Sleep

So all together I'd like to say pretty accurate. Especially the small asian part.

So I thought that was funny. I encourage you all to try it when you're bored. Till next time,

Peace, Love and Leo


Friday, June 4, 2010

The Mimi Awards > Academy Awards

Herro Mongorrians,

How are you all doing today? Everything I want to write about- all my good stories- I can't, because of attorney/client privilege. So instead of getting myself fired and disbarred before I'm even allowed to join the bar, I decided today I'd share with you guys my favorite movies.
People tend to put a lot of weight into what the Oscars deem Academy Award winning worthy, but in reality my opinion is much more spot on on what is real film making. So, the following are a few of my favorite films and why. FYI- I am measuring this by not only quality of movie, but how many times I watch it without getting sick of it.

*Note- I am limiting this to live action real people films, otherwise we all know Disney movies would likely take over.


Did you even have to ask? Now, aside from the fact that this was amazing acting by a then 23 year old Leo in 1997, he failed to win an Academy Award. Shameless. I know I wasn't the only one crying when he watched Rose get in that lifeboat only to hear Cal tell him there was no boat for him, while the music played on in the background. However, my Leo love aside, this actually was just a great movie. It brought the Titanic to life for our generation. And I remember, being 12, I thought that was the worst tragedy the world had seen. At the time I could not imagine anything worse than drowning. They put so much money into the movie, and the accuracy of the ship and the sinking- applause applause. And yes, the movie will would have made my list if Leo wasn't in it. It just may not have been number 1 :)

2.)Remember the Titans

"You make sure that they remember...FOREVER...the night they played the Titans!"

Oh Titans. Yet another one that hit me right in the heart. As someone that is obessed with Civil Rights and History, this movie was awesome to me. Heartbreaking, and awesome. Makes you feel good at the end. And just so greatly done. In high school, Beardmore and I could literally do the ENTIRE scene between Gerry and Julius at camp- "Hey man, lets just get some particulars and get this thing over with, alright?" "Particulars? No matter what I say you ain't gon never know nothing about me.." Okay, I'll stop. But if you don't like this movie, you have no soul. And you're a Klansmen.

3.)Dumb and Dumber.

Oh Harry and Lloyd. This was a movie you had to know and quote in middle school in order to be cool. Too bad it ended at middle school because I still say "Big Gulps huh? Alright...welp see ya later!" About once a day. This movie was great because the humor was so immature, but still funny. Not much else to say about Dumb and Dumber. Just a classic.

4.)Mean Girls.

I saw Cady Herron wearing Army pants and flip flops, so I bought Army pants and flip flops. This movie shows Tina Feys true genius, and how awesome Lindsey Lohan was before the coke. I mean every little thing about the movie was just so great. From the principal who hated his life, to the Plastics who were always looking for a Queen Bee to serve, to Shane Ownman in the projection room above the auditorium- just hilarious. This is a movie that is frequently quoted by my friends and I all the time as well.

5.)Blood Diamond.

Another Leo flick, yes, but SO good. I love movies that make people aware of social issues. I immediately decided I didn't want a diamond ring ever in my life...that lasted about 3 seconds, but I do check out every ring and dealership now to make sure they are conflict free. I mean, to put it bluntly, that shit was fucked up. People are cruel. Blood Diamond also fueled my desire to go to Africa even more. It's so sad to me that the continent of Africa is arguably the richest continent on the planet in natural resources and abilities- and yet people have raped and robbed it for centuries, eschewing its true beauty and using it for their gain. (Yes, there's some racial undertones here. Bad, white people, bad.) I just love movies that have a good story and get you thinking at the same time. The only reason I don't watch this as much as other movies is because it makes me sad- I don't want to watch those violent awful scenes over and over again. And what they do to Dia breaks my heart.


COME ON YOU DEVIL LOG! This is by far the best Ben Stiller movie I've ever seen, and it was before he was really famous. He clearly based his Dodgeball character on Tony Perkis. "I'm feeling skinny, Tony!" Again, one of the most quoted movies in the history of my existence. I could go on forever. "Dear Grandma- they say, war is hell. But they've never been to fat camp. I knew the food would be bad..but even he killed the blob. As for the go-karts...well, may the rest in pieces." *And in the background his dad yelling 'I DID NOT SEND YOU TO GO-KART CAMP.' HAHAHA. so classic.

Alright folks, I'm gonna stop there today, partly because my lunch breaks almost over and partly because I just don't want to write anymore. I will do some more all time greatest's another day...until then,

Peace, Love and Leo,


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I remember one time, she wasn't even ON MY BUDDY LIST

Herrro! (This is Domer right after I left for Vermont this weekend...sad of course)

How is everybody? First off, my apologies. I know I don't update as much as I should, but work has kept me busy and so has this past weekend in Vermont. I went with my girl Byrn to Matt Koehler's wedding, and it was SO MUCH FUN. Him and Maria are PERFECT for each other. For all you Westsiders wondering who was in attendance, it was me, Byrn, Shea, Cassidy, Hickman, Nate Hainje, Jimmy, Sammy, Tony and Gerry. And of course Matt's sisters. And Mr. and Mrs. Wollenburg who Byrn and I cut some major rug with!

Oh and how could I forget...HUNGARY STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such a great surprise! He was the life of the party of course. He is an Investment Banker in London now. Pics to come on facebook.

*Sidenote*- You know how when you go to a wedding, there are name cards you pick up, that say, for example- Matt Hickman and Nate Hainje- Table 13. Well ours said- Byrn and Melanie Kendrick, Table 12. HAHAHA. Just Byrn. Not Sarah Byrn. But Byrn.

Naturally, this weekend made me sad because I'm always sad about growing up. So of course, there was lots of high school reminiscing going on between me and Byrn. For example we talked about:

*-AIM and Buddy Lists. Like how annoyed you'd get when you tried to Add a buddy and you were at your limit. And consequently how hyped you'd get when AIM upped the maximum buddy list. And how important font and your profile was. Jamie and I used to spend forever picking the perfect color combination for our font. HA.

*-FOP. All you WL'ers know that there is not a damn thing on this earth greater than FOP. Walking down there and hanging out, going back and forth from the softball to baseball fields. And of course, the concession stand. And you were even cooler if you got to work at the concession stand. All the elementary school and junior high love connections happened at Fop. If you weren't there, you were nobody.

*-Spirit Days at CC. For a high school with uniforms, spirit days were your opportunity to show how stylish you were. But generally you were limited to something CC oriented. So kind of an oxymoron.

*-Being friends with kids from other schools. Before Facebook, if you knew kids from other schools you were so legit. Like, "I'm hanging out with some McCutcheon kids tonight...or we're going to the Harrison basketball game." The high school socialites, we were.

Also, we all know I have personal vendettas toward a lot of states in the Union, particularly those south of the Mason Dixon line. However, I never thought I'd add Vermont to the list. Well, let me change that tune- Vermont I don't have a problem with per se, but I don't know how anyone could live there. Matt and Maria seem to love it though.

So what's the basis of my beef with Vermont? Well...let's see. There's more people in just a little over half of the city of Indianapolis then there is in the ENTIRE STATE OF VERMONT. For a social butterfly like me, such an unpopulated state does not fly. Like, there was nobody there. And the exits were like 10 miles apart and Byrn and I couldnt find a fast food restaurant if our life depended on it. Plus they have moose.

However, if you like nature and ski'ing that's probably the place to be. I like neither. In fact, I hate nature. (Well I don't HATE nature, I'm all about saving it- but the only time I want to be outside is if I'm by a pool or at the beach. Literally that's it.) So in sum- go to Vermont if you like nature and hate being around people. Oh and you like Moose.

Alright folks, that's all for now...I promise I'll post more frequently. Click here to follow me on Twitter for numerous daily/hourly 140 character witty remarks.

Peace, Love and Leo,


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 1- DONE

Herro Mongorrians!

What a week! A great one, not gonna lie. I love my job. I love the excitement of what we do, and I love the enviornment. We did lots of training this week- cross examinations, suppressions, all that. And we sat in on a murder trial. Unfortunately they found our client guilty. You can read about the original drama and what happened here, but the jury found him guilty of murder, in spite of his self defense defense. It was really fun (well for us, because our freedom wasn't hanging on the line) to see everything you learn in school play out in real life.

This week we are doing more training and I think have to do actual client interaction and representation on our own soon...eeek nerv! But very excited. As you guys know, I want to be representing juveniles because that's my career goal. I think I will be able to do that for a little bit, but also rotate through misdemeanors and D Felony's. I'll keep you posted!

In other news, do you guys think its possible to be addicted to sleep?

Sometimes I wonder if the reason I wanna be a defense attorney and defend drug users or whatever it is is because I understand addiction. Because of sleep. Because I need it. I crave it. I have to have it. Like my friends, and family, get SO mad at me because I always make "GTD"'s- Game Time Decisions, when it comes to making plans. Because I don't want to commit to anything in case I want to sleep or take a nap. And by nap I don't mean a 30 minute nap. I mean a minimum 2 hour nap. If I am only going to get less than 2 hours then I don't even bother. Like I usually average 12 hours of sleep a night. Any less than that and I am cranky. I need help.

I know I promised you a Tech story, but there wasn't as much drama as when I went to Pike. However it was just as entertaining. The story isn't told that well online, much better in person when I can imitate voices. I got asked out quite a few times by various teenagers and students of my that was interesting. Also one of Kristof's students asked me how old I was, and I said guess. He said 34!

THIRTY FOUR?! Really? I said try again. He goes 33!


Normally people tell me I have a baby face and look like I'm still in high school..but apparently not to him! Hilar.

Also, I've been told I need to give you all a quick vocabulary lesson with regards to all the slang I use.

Here ya go.

"Wagon"-Can be a noun, verb, adjective, or whatever you want. Shortened version of "bandwagon" if you will. It means to like something. However, bandwagon generally has a negative connotation and wagon is positive. Like, if you wagon something, it's a good thing. For example:
"That episode of Lost last night was so wagon!"
"I wagon the Tigers this year ever since they got Johnny Damon."
"You got a new car? Wagon!"

"Probe"- This is generally a verb. It means to check out, look into, talk, hang out. For example:
"What are you doin tonight? Wanna probe the new Ironman?"
"Andy's at your house? Yeah he's gettin a probe in about last nights Yankee game."
"What's your probe tonight? Wanna hit Broad Ripple?"

"Desp"- Just an abbreviated version of desperate. Like Domer when he is begging for food. So desp.

"Awk"- An abbreviated version of awkward. Yes, I abbreviate things. It's annoying to everyone but me. And Grant.

And so on and so on. I don't know what I'm leaving out but those are the main ones I use everyday and the ones that will pop up in my blog.

Alright peeps...I gotta gear up for the LOST finale tonight. Here are some music recommendations I currently wagon:
1.)K'Nann- Waving Flag- Celebration Remix. It's the 2010 Fifa World Cup Anthem. It makes me happy.
2.)Shakira- Gypsy
3.)Miley Cyrus- Can't be Tamed. I secretly love her.
4.)BOB Ft. Haley Williams and Eminem- Airplanes Part 2, not part I.
5.)Eminem- Not Afraid

Until next time...peace, love and Leo


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Don't call my name, Alejandro

That cartoon is actually going to be me.

First things first, my friend Jared pointed out to me after my last post that one of my boyfriends, Anderson, resembles Sideshow Bob. I don't watch the Simpsons, so I didn't know who Sideshow Bob was. So, he kindly sent me a picture to show me...sadly when I put him next to A.V. I see the similarities.

(Note- I cannot for the life of me figure out how to put those pics side by side. Anyone?)

Also, Leo is on the cover of Esquire. Check it out.

Okay so there is this HILARIOUS video that I found before finals. I mean absolutely spot on on how girls act. I can't tell you how many times I've said to my friends- "If we're going out tonight then I'm not eating dinner." Watch the video here or below..if you are girl you will inevitably find it funnier than if you're a boy. There's a boy counterpart here...but it's not as funny to me.

I am updating on my lunch break right now. I love the job so far. The environment is very chill and laid back which suits me perfectly. This week they are training us on everything we need to know before they throw us to the wolves to fend for ourselves. This morning we learned Defenses to argue for misdemeanors, like Public Intox, DUI, Public Nudity, Public Indecency, possession of Marijuana, and all that jazz. The exciting thing is that the Indy 500 is coming up so all of those misdemeanors are going to skyrocket surrounding the Race. Apparently our office has attorneys just go chill at the Intake Center because sometimes 100 people are arrested a night. Unreal.

I realized that a lot of the good stories I am going to have, I won't be able to post on here without violating any Attorney/Client privilege rules. However, I'll still tell you funny stuff that happens that doesn't involve my clients or anything that would get me in trouble. I have a feeling there will be plenty.

Till next time- Peace, Love and Leo


Sunday, May 16, 2010

I miss my pool

Herro mongorrians,

I love being home, but I miss my pool in North Carolina. And the sun. RIP.

I start my first day of work tomorrow. Not gonna lie, a little nervous. I'm hoping I can handle the work they give me. We shall see.

I don't really have much to say on this post I'm just trying to get used to updating more than once a week. I'm currently watching the Magic/Celtics game. I'm still really pissed the Cavs lost. I like Lebron a lot, but more imporantly, one of my husbands behind Leo plays for the Cavs. Anderson Varejao.

Now some of you may be, he's not even cute. Well I think he is. And he has a few qualities I require in my men- he's tall, (preferably at least 6'5), he has shaggy hair, he's tall, and he has shaggy hair. Oh, and he plays basketball so he'll fit in with my family. Did I mention he has shaggy hair?

But, even though the Cavs lost, it's okay. The Magic are still in it, and another husband of mine is Dwight Howard.

He is a beautiful man. He is lacking the hair requirement, but he is tall- 6'11- also known as the perfect height for me. And he is in McDonald's commercials. And he gives back a lot from what I can tell from Twitter stalking. (Follow me here)

Speaking of Twitter, I just discovered yesterday that Leo is now on it. So. Game Over. Our love affair is about to begin, he just doesn't know it yet. Bar Rafaeli has nothing on me...

Well now that none of you have any respect for me after this ridiculous celeb crazy stalker post, I shall talk to you later, with updates from my first week on the job!

Peace, Love and Leo,


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Public School Shenanigans

Hi Everybody!

Sorry I have been MIA for so long...finals killed me for 2 weeks, plus that 9 hour drive home with Domer. The picture above is how he was sleeping in the car. He loves uncomfortable positions. I have done nothing but sleep for the past week at home. (Those of you who know me know that this is NOT an exaggeration.)

However, on Tuesday, I left the house to go somewhere that wasn't the gym. (My daily routine so far has been sleep till 1:30, eat peanut butter crunch, go to the gym, then come back and sit and watch Law and Order SVU with Emiel until midnight. Sleep. Then repeat. Sadly this ends Monday when I start work.) Mom, Kristof and Chief have been begging Runt and I to come check out their prospective schools. My mom teaches English in what is called the "Newcomers" program at Pike, and Chief and Kristof work at Tech. Chief is, obviously, the Head Basketball Coach and Assistant Athletic Director. Kristof is the JV coach with him and works as a paraprofessional in the school. Both Pike and Tech are Public Schools in every sense of the word.

So, Tuesday, Runt and I decided to go to Pike.

Like I said, Pike is a public school in Indianapolis, but its not part of IPS (Indianapolis Public Schools). Its a township school. Which basically just means its not like "in the city limits" but it still is in Indianapolis. Whatever, not important. I think about 3000 kids go to Pike. So Mieke works there, in the Freshmen Center, and she teaches English to Newcomers- who are kids from different countries who dont speak English. Most of her kids are Spanish speaking, a lot are from Africa and French speaking, some from Pakistan, kids basically from all over. Which if you know my mom this is right up her alley. (She speaks 5 languages- English, French, Spanish, Dutch and Flemish). So she loves her job. (And is good at it- she just won Teacher of the Year at Pike!)

Anyways, so Runt (Emiel) and I go to Pike on Tuesday. We have been hearing stories from Mieke and Chief and Kristof about all the wild kids at their schools so I'm excited to see a little dramz. And dramz is what I got.

Here is a timeline of our experience:

12:00- Pull into Pike Parking Lot. Tell some dude in a truck with a stop sign we are going to see Mrs. Kendrick. He lets us through.

12:02- Argue with Emiel over whether or not I could park where I did. (I could.)

12:04- Walk into Pike, tell the secretary that we are here to see Mrs. Kendrick. All the doors are locked.

12:05- She calls my mom on the phone and tells us my mom is sending a student down to get us.

12:07- Meet one of her students from Pakistan, who walks us up to her room. Meanwhile notice how big the new this area of the school is (was built in 2005) and how easily you could get lost in it. Pass the Home Ec room which looks amazing. (My school used a closet to teach us how to sew. Maybe.) Go upstairs, notice a camera legitimately every 5 feet. Wave to all of them because I'm a jackass.

12:08: Walk into "MIZZ KENDRICKS" room. That is what all her students call her. "Mizz! Mizz!"My mom has us sit in front and the students all introduce themselves and say what country they are from. Togo, Haiti (the boy from Haiti actually lost his mom in the earthquake. He was so cute and little too. Sad.) Pakistan. China. Mexico. Guatemala. El Salvador. Guinea. Ivory Coast. Rwanda. (I of course wagoned all the ones from Africa. The two girls from Rwanda actually experienced the Rwandan Genocide- when they were little they watched their mom being stabbed and beaten to death in a cornfield.)

12:15- Took questions from the class like the celebrity I am. They were all so cute and excited and it reminded me of being in high school when life was still somewhat innocent.

12:30 Bell rings and its time for them all to go. Right after the bell rings, this lady comes in saying "I NEED TO USE YOUR PHONE I NEED TO USE YOUR PHONE THERE'S A FIGHT"

12:31- The lady is calling security and my mom presses the Panic Button in her room. Yes, a panic button. Every classroom has one. And there are some in the hallway. Because these kids are crazy and fight all the time.

12:32 I rush to the door and see literally what I can only describe as a HERD of teenagers rushing towards a fight. Its like a pack of wild animals not kidding. And I can't tell who's fighting but lord help me I am trying.

12:34- Security finally comes after what seems like forever. The police men tell the kids to break it up and move to class. No one does.

12:35: Policeman grabs this GIRL who was fighting. Yeah it was a GIRL fight! They are the most vicious! She doesnt let him and hes like wrestling with her and finally throws her against the wall. No joke.

12:36: Another girl walks by who already has the formings of a black eye. Talkin' about "she started it!"

12:37: Just as everyone starts to disperse, I see this tall kid with braids yelling at this shorter kids "N*gga you best get up out my face!" People start holding him back, then they start fighting, crowd forms again.

12:38: Cops tell everyone to MOVE ON. Braids wont stop so he gets tackled to the ground! I'm standing there watching like a deer in headlights. I want to tell that kid hey- I start work as a juvenile defender on Monday--see you there?

12:39: Come in the classroom and relay the story to Emiel who didn't want any part of it. Finally the crowd is gone and Mieke takes us on a tour of Pike to meet her fellow coworkers. We walk out and braids is telling the cops "Yeah I shouldn't have done it, but everyone was going on and the DUDE GOT HYPE!"- You kinda had to be there but Emiel and I laughed. (Note: this is why there are all those security cameras. See who started the fights and all that.)

We stayed until about 1:30 or 2. Met a bunch of her co workers. Walked the halls. The school is so big. And I'm thinking about how wild those kids were in the hallway. And imagine if you're one of my mom's poor foreign kids. You speak no English. You come to this jungle that is school and everyday people are fighting throwing punches going to blows in the hallway. How scary right?!

Im not trying to portray Pike as a bad school because it's not at all. It's actually a really good school. Just everyday life in a public school in a city- can't escape it. Now we are going to Tech tomorrow- and Tech is even "worse" then Pike when it comes to the aspect of fights. One kid tried to fight Kristof yesterday. They are always cussing at teachers. It shall be interesting!

Until next time...which I promise you will be sooner.

Also- click here to follow me on twitter!

Peace, Love, and Leo

Thursday, April 22, 2010

90s TV...Revisited

First of all, I'd like to give a shout out to one of my very best and oldest friends, Jamie Linenberg.

Today is her birthday! We have been best friends for almost ten years, and she is a very important part of my life. I'm so excited to be able to be in the same city with her this summer- we haven't been in the same city for an extended period of time since high school!

Now, onto my thoughts that you have been waiting days for. So last night I was laying in bed, unable to fall asleep (probably due to the fact that I slept til 12 and was in bed by 11..therefore being awake for less than 12 hours,) and I started thinking about the shows of our youth. But let's revisit them...because if I were to see these on TV now, I think I'd view them a little differently For example:

1) Full House
I don't know anyone that didn't love this show. But lets be serious for a second. It is about a family, headed by three, single SAN FRANCISCO. Gay, gay, gay. You know if this family were real, every single person that met them thought Danny and Joey and Uncle Jesse were on the down low. At the very least, Danny and Joey. Uncle Jesse had Becky after the first season or two. But Danny and Joey? Joey NEVER dated anyone. And Danny used Vicki as his beard for a bit. One episode they even dressed in DRAG for their college reunion (allegedly to spy on their rival sorority.) Nice try boys. You live in San Francisco. Feel free to show who you truly are.

2.)Saved By The Bell

I don't know about you, but I grew up assuming this was what high school was like. You were BFF with your principal, and you could segregate and label students into their cliques pretty easily. (Jocks always wore their wrestling jerseys to class, nerds ALWAYS had glasses and suspenders, and the pretty girls were cheerleaders.) And you always had a token black girl in your group. (Yay me!) But lets think about this for a second. Zack Morris, aka Preppy, the stud, the trouble maker. Always in and out of the principal's office. Somehow, I feel like in real life, Zack would never be in the principals office as much as he was. He did things like run money schemes and look up girls skirts. He went to a PUBLIC high school in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Im gonna assume the kids in the principals office in a public school in SoCal are doing a little more than profiting off Screech's Grandma's Spaghetti Sauce. (The sauce you can have, but the secret? She's a mine!) They're probably smoking all kinds of illegal drugs, and being part of the Crips and Bloods. Zack would have never made it through the door.

PS- Best line of that whole show- Jessie when she's popping speed to study- "I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so....SCARED!"


Now Doug was one of Kristof and I's all time favorite shows. We always got hype because it was set in Bluffington, which we equated with Bloomington (Whats up IU!) Thinking about it now, Skeeter was totally the token black friend. And he used to honk his nose and go "Skeet Skeet!" Which was all too innocent then. But rap music has now made that a tad inappropriate. Doug was wagon because he always made it through his ethical and moral dilemmas by writing in his journal, and with the help of his altar ego Quail man. But how about Roger Klotz? Sorry to say it, but he was totally white trash. He actually lived in a trailer park. He rolled around in his leather jacket and bullied everyone. Not to mention he used a cat as his sidekick. A CAT. Sick. Roger was so beat.

Mr. Dink was totally the next door neighbor who was stoned all the time. He never made any sense. And Doug's sister, Judy. Also a future pothead who thought she was so smart and artistic. And Beebee. She was rich and spoiled and the Paris Hilton of Bluffington. I actually have this show on DVD I got it for Christmas a few years ago. So great.


I loved this show. I actually don't have much to say about Rugrats except for Angelica was SUCH a bitch. Like she sucked. And Phil and Lil's mom might actually have been a lesbian. Did you notice she always repped the womens symbol on every article of clothing? And her hair was always cut super short. And she was always in a hurry to go to a racquetball game. And she totally emasculated her husband every chance she got. Just saying.

5.) Home Improvement

First thing I think of when I think of Home Improvement is JTT. The second thing I think of is how every single episode, Tim the Tool Man Taylor was causing major damage blowing something up. Now I have been in law school long enough to know that there's no way this man could make a profit off of that show because he would be up to his ears in legal damages and liability. And he was so mean to Al. That always annoyed me.

Also, Wilson. Wilson was so sketch. Why do you never show your face? And why are you always up in the Taylor's business? You just happen to be outside overhearing every single thing thats going on in their household. I mean if I were the Taylors I'd tell Wilson to get up out my face. And show yours. For once. He also was always giving wise words of advice to every member of the Taylor family. He was like their next door neighbor version of a Buddha.

6. The Baby Sitters Club

Last but not least, the Baby Sitters Club. This wasn't so much a TV show as it was a couple random VHS's and a movie released based on the books, but they were such a big part of my life they deserve a shout out. I actually was part of the BSC book club and got three books in the mail a month. I loved it. But lets take a look at how the characters would turn out in real life in my opinion.

Kristy- She was a tomboy. She loved softball and she may have batted for both teams. I mean both Alan Gray AND Bart from Barts Bashers liked her but she never really did anything about it. Just continued wearing her jeans and a sweatshirt and having "great" ideas. I think Kristy would have moved on from her BSC friends in high school, played varsity softball, and maybe ended up playing in college for like a DII or DIII school. She probably coaches at a high school now.

Mary Ann- Mary Ann always annoyed me because she was SO shy. I didn't really have room to talk back then because believe it or not I used to be SUPER shy. But Mary Ann took it to the extremes. I mean everytime Cokie Mason even looked at her funny she would cry. Like reel it in Mary Ann. I also like how she dated Logan Bruno, who was considered a "southern hottie." He was from KENTUCKY. And his accent wasn't southern it was redneck.

Stacey- She was so annoying. She mentioned in every single breath she took that she was from New York City. We get it Stacey. You're a "city girl". The only thing that made her tolerable was I felt bad for her because she could never eat chocolate or anything good because of her diabetes. Stacey definitely ditched her BSC friends in high school, was super popular, became a total sorang at college and joined a sorority. Then probably got Lavalier'd by some frat boy. And lived a life in the suburbs always complaining about how much she misses NYC. She also is definitely the type who will also get plastic surgery in her future.

Claudia- Claudia was actually really dumb. Like she couldn't spell if her life depended on it. She probably just ended up mooching off her smart sister for the rest of her life and eating her stashed candy. In real life I guarantee you she would have ended up living in Soho, portraying the life of a struggling artist, with her sister Janine who probably would be a professor at Columbia.

Dawn- Dawn was really annoying sometimes because she was so Save the Earth before it was cool to do so. She definitely drives a hybrid now. She probably moved back to California for college, went to Berkeley, smoked all day everyday, and participated in numerous protests against bad treatment of animals and things of that sort. She's definitely a vegetarian if not even a vegan.

Mallory- I feel bad for Mallory. Her famliy was actually the Duggars. They had like 19 kids. And she was so unfortunate looking. Red hair, freckles, glasses, braces. Life did not treat her right. However she did wheel that Australian boyfriend when he moved in across the street from her. She always wanted to be a writer- I could see her more as a journalist. Maybe writing for the Wall Street Journal or something.

Jesse- Jesse was one of my favorites and not just because she was the only black one. She was like actually normal. She was really good at ballet and had that pen pal boyfriend Quint. She probably ended up going to Juliard or some school for the performing arts.

ALRIGHT ALL..hope you enjoyed my take on the 90s. Oh, last week I forgot to do Mimi's recommendations so here they are:

1.)Justin Bieber's album My World 2.0. Probably the only time I've been obsessed with a guy in a non sexual way since Michael Jackson. I love his music. If you like pop, buy it. For reals.
2.)GLEE. If you don't watch this show, you should. It's super funny and makes you feel happy.
3.)Sammys Hill and Sammys House by Kristin Gore, Al Gore's daughter. They're kind of a chick flick type, but they're hilarious and real at the same time. Two of my favorite books made.

I probably wont be posting for 2 weeks becuase finals are upon us, and in law school your only grade for the entire semester is the exam. And I have 5. So, my life will not be so fun for the next two weeks. I hope this will last you until I return.

Peace, Love and Leo

xoxo MIMI

Monday, April 19, 2010

Confessions of a 24 Year Old Drama Queen

I've decided to write some little known facts about Mimi. Some may make you laugh, some may make you cry, most will probably make you never want to be friends with me again. A risk I'm willing to take.

1.)I saw Titanic in the theater 8 times. Yes. Thats a 3 hour movie. 8 times. So technically I spent an entire day in the theater. All for Leo. And, word is they are bringing Titanic back to the theaters in 2012 in 3D. I will be first in line, duh obvi.

2)I still sleep with a blankie. Anyone who has seen it can attest to the fact that its more like a rag that even Domer wouldn't touch now, but I refuse to sleep without it. I used to physically not be able to sleep without it, but once I hit college I decided I should probably stop taking it with me on trips. Kristof gave it to me when I was born (my cousin had given it to him), and I have slept with it every since. My parents tried to throw it away numerous times, and my mom even bought me a new one to replace it when I was like 10. I just gave that one away and kept this one. It used to be an actual blanket...but like I said, now its just like a rag. One day I will get rid of it- when I get married, probably. Until then, sweet dreams with my blankie friend.

3)I hold personal vendettas against a lot of states. Basically any state below the Mason Dixon line. Particularly Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, or any other redneck state. (Read: half of America). I also hate the Dakotas. And Montana. And Wyoming. And Utah. They serve no purpose.

4)Matthew McConaughey aka Wooderson and Slater San in Dazed and Confused are two of my favorite movie characters ever. Speaking of, every SINGLE time I watch Dazed and Confused it makes me want to go back to high school, where all you did was hang out and drive around (and in me and my friends case- find the Ghost Dog.)

5)My favorite decade is the 60s, and I would kill to have been a hippie back then. I'm obsessed with all things hippie-particularly sit ins, 'Nam Protests, million man marches, stoners, and most importantly, dudes with long/SHAGGY HAIR.

6.)I big league phone calls. Like I rarely answer my phone. Ever. I hate talking on the phone.

7.)I actually feel physical pain in my chest when I think about Notre Dame and how awesome those four years were. Like I can't think about it too long because its honestly physically and emotionally painful to remember and realize that your life peaked between the ages of 18-22. Fail.

8.)I used to keep a diary in high school. No joke. Half the entries were about how much I hated Kristof (yes, we're pretty close now, but most of my high school friends can attest to the ever occurring fights we would always have. That were a big deal to me of course, and never to him.) The other half were about whoever my crush of the week was. And a few poems from the budding Emily Dickinson I was. Heinously embarrassing.

9.)One of my favorite parts of high school was wearing my guy friends jerseys to home football games. Loved it.

10.)I am getting married at Disney World. Dead Serious, have been planning it for years.

11.)I also am going to have two identical twin boys named Theodore and Leonardo. (Theo and Leo) Theo will be smart, Leo will be athletic, and they will be the BEST of friends. They'll go to ND together and room together. Theo will go on an academic scholarship and Leo will go on a football one, obviously. And they'll protect their little sister, Mieke, and never make fun of her or ruin her barbie dolls like their Uncle Kristof used to do to their mom...

12.)I cry a lot. Like at what's on tv. It can be something legit sad, like Schindlers List, or the episode of Full House where Michelle can't remember anything 'cuz she fell off the horse. I'm just sensitive like that.

13.)I'm very picky about food. I only like "American" food. I can sum up the things I eat into five food groups- chicken, chocolate, peanut butter, queso, and bread. Oh, and bang bang shrimp from Bonefish.

14.)I am scared to death of thunderstorms. Always have been, probably always will be. Thats because I'm from Tornado alley, and thunderstorms generally lead to Tornado Warnings and Sirens going off and all around terribleness. My kindergarten teacher was convinced I was afraid of clouds, because as soon as they got dark I would start to cry.

15.)I was also really cool in elementary school, and now I'm starting to wonder if thats because I used to beat boys up. There were two in particular that used to annoy me, and I remember multiple occasions where I would drag them across gym floors or push them around. And I never got in trouble because my teachers thought I was a sweet little angel, and I guess they assumed the boys must have deserved it. However, look at that picture above...would you want to mess with me when I'm mad?

16.)I talk to my family excessive amounts a day. Like Emiel and I probably text at least 10 times a day. And I talk to my parents on the phone at least 3 times a day. And Kristof gets his probe in too. I didn't realize this wasn't that normal until recently.

17.)Im the most undomestic person you'll ever meet. I use my oven for storage. Except when it comes to making puppy chow or baking certain things like cookies or brownies. And by baking I mean taking the ones from the store where all you have to do is spread them on a cookie sheet.

18.)I used to be the biggest tom boy. I only wanted to wear things Kristof wore, which meant Jerseys and Gym shorts and sweet Air Jordans. I also used to trade baseball and basketball cards, and I always had the good ones. (Whats up Karl Air Man Malone?!)

19.)For show and tell, (when my dad used to coach for Purdue) everyone else would bring in their pet turtle or favorite stuffed animal, and I would bring in Purdue basketball players. Like once Glenn Robinson came. Who did I think I was?

20.)I sing to Domer before we go to bed every night. The same song- always You Are My Sunshine. But I change it to you are my Domepiece. He loves it. His tail always wags when I get to "Please dont take my Domepiece away". Bahahahaha.

Thats all for now know you love me. xoxo,
