Sunday, July 4, 2010

I suck at updating


My what a long time it has been! I realize this. Blogging is no easy feat. Actually I just do almost all things on the internet from my phone except blog. So that is why it has been so long. I shall try to do better. Lucky for you all I have a lonnggggg layover-I am currently in Germany right now stuck in the airport on my way back from Belgium. Lovely time over there by the way.

WARNING: This keyboard in Germany is f%&%ked up! The Z is where the Y is supposed to be. So I am going to to have a lot of typos and words and sentences where it seems like I am talking in Russian. I will trz to curtail it as much as possible, but beware.

So, many of you have requested a "Confessions Part II", so like my friend Usher, I will oblige.

1) I have become one of "those" animal people I always made fun of. I missed Domer so much over these past ten dazs in Belgium. I will never leave him for this long again. Like I'm dzing without him. (See what I mean about the z's? I'm too lazy to change it.)

2)When I can't fall asleep at night I plaz the Alphabet Game with mzself. Like, zou know when zou go from A to Z and pick a category- for example, countries- Algeria, Belgium, Canada...etc. I am a nerd like that. I am running out of categories though, I keep doing the same ones over and over and it's getting old. Feel free to throw some suggestions my way.

3)I absolutelz hate traveling. With a passion. This is nothing new. But I can't stand it. I can't stand flzing, I cant stand airports, I can't stand it when everything is not the waz I am used to it.

4)I also hate tourist things, but everzone knows that. Thez combine two of my most hated things-walking and traveling. Blech. I don't see the point. Shit looks exactlz the same on a postcard as it does 5 feet in front of me.

5)I am so desperate for real food. In my previous confessions zou read the food I eat falls into five verz narrow categories. I have been starving in Belgium. I literallz go to bed at night and dream of Burger King and Panera and Bonefish Grill. The second I get stateside I am getting the grilled chicken ceasar salad from Burger King. I've been dreaming of it for ten dazs now. It's like an oasis.

6)Going off of that, I realiyed I am a verz cheap date. (With the FOOD fellas, relax). I hate everzthing fancz. Chain restaurants make me so happy. Anything fancz grosses me out, and I always have to end up ordering steak. And I don't like steak. Not at all. But it's the onlz halfwaz edible things on fancz menus- like raw duck and oyster shells. Really?

This post is becoming mildy incoherent with all the kezboard typos and mz ranting. I am going to end it now and continue more later. I promise.

Love zou all,

Peace Love and Leo


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