Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I remember one time, she wasn't even ON MY BUDDY LIST

Herrro! (This is Domer right after I left for Vermont this weekend...sad of course)

How is everybody? First off, my apologies. I know I don't update as much as I should, but work has kept me busy and so has this past weekend in Vermont. I went with my girl Byrn to Matt Koehler's wedding, and it was SO MUCH FUN. Him and Maria are PERFECT for each other. For all you Westsiders wondering who was in attendance, it was me, Byrn, Shea, Cassidy, Hickman, Nate Hainje, Jimmy, Sammy, Tony and Gerry. And of course Matt's sisters. And Mr. and Mrs. Wollenburg who Byrn and I cut some major rug with!

Oh and how could I forget...HUNGARY STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such a great surprise! He was the life of the party of course. He is an Investment Banker in London now. Pics to come on facebook.

*Sidenote*- You know how when you go to a wedding, there are name cards you pick up, that say, for example- Matt Hickman and Nate Hainje- Table 13. Well ours said- Byrn and Melanie Kendrick, Table 12. HAHAHA. Just Byrn. Not Sarah Byrn. But Byrn.

Naturally, this weekend made me sad because I'm always sad about growing up. So of course, there was lots of high school reminiscing going on between me and Byrn. For example we talked about:

*-AIM and Buddy Lists. Like how annoyed you'd get when you tried to Add a buddy and you were at your limit. And consequently how hyped you'd get when AIM upped the maximum buddy list. And how important font and your profile was. Jamie and I used to spend forever picking the perfect color combination for our font. HA.

*-FOP. All you WL'ers know that there is not a damn thing on this earth greater than FOP. Walking down there and hanging out, going back and forth from the softball to baseball fields. And of course, the concession stand. And you were even cooler if you got to work at the concession stand. All the elementary school and junior high love connections happened at Fop. If you weren't there, you were nobody.

*-Spirit Days at CC. For a high school with uniforms, spirit days were your opportunity to show how stylish you were. But generally you were limited to something CC oriented. So kind of an oxymoron.

*-Being friends with kids from other schools. Before Facebook, if you knew kids from other schools you were so legit. Like, "I'm hanging out with some McCutcheon kids tonight...or we're going to the Harrison basketball game." The high school socialites, we were.

Also, we all know I have personal vendettas toward a lot of states in the Union, particularly those south of the Mason Dixon line. However, I never thought I'd add Vermont to the list. Well, let me change that tune- Vermont I don't have a problem with per se, but I don't know how anyone could live there. Matt and Maria seem to love it though.

So what's the basis of my beef with Vermont? Well...let's see. There's more people in just a little over half of the city of Indianapolis then there is in the ENTIRE STATE OF VERMONT. For a social butterfly like me, such an unpopulated state does not fly. Like, there was nobody there. And the exits were like 10 miles apart and Byrn and I couldnt find a fast food restaurant if our life depended on it. Plus they have moose.

However, if you like nature and ski'ing that's probably the place to be. I like neither. In fact, I hate nature. (Well I don't HATE nature, I'm all about saving it- but the only time I want to be outside is if I'm by a pool or at the beach. Literally that's it.) So in sum- go to Vermont if you like nature and hate being around people. Oh and you like Moose.

Alright folks, that's all for now...I promise I'll post more frequently. Click here to follow me on Twitter for numerous daily/hourly 140 character witty remarks.

Peace, Love and Leo,


1 comment:

  1. Please change that comment to "every state south of the Mason-Dixon EXCEPT LOUISIANA," and feel free to state how awesome the person at law school you know from Louisiana is.
