Monday, April 19, 2010

Confessions of a 24 Year Old Drama Queen

I've decided to write some little known facts about Mimi. Some may make you laugh, some may make you cry, most will probably make you never want to be friends with me again. A risk I'm willing to take.

1.)I saw Titanic in the theater 8 times. Yes. Thats a 3 hour movie. 8 times. So technically I spent an entire day in the theater. All for Leo. And, word is they are bringing Titanic back to the theaters in 2012 in 3D. I will be first in line, duh obvi.

2)I still sleep with a blankie. Anyone who has seen it can attest to the fact that its more like a rag that even Domer wouldn't touch now, but I refuse to sleep without it. I used to physically not be able to sleep without it, but once I hit college I decided I should probably stop taking it with me on trips. Kristof gave it to me when I was born (my cousin had given it to him), and I have slept with it every since. My parents tried to throw it away numerous times, and my mom even bought me a new one to replace it when I was like 10. I just gave that one away and kept this one. It used to be an actual blanket...but like I said, now its just like a rag. One day I will get rid of it- when I get married, probably. Until then, sweet dreams with my blankie friend.

3)I hold personal vendettas against a lot of states. Basically any state below the Mason Dixon line. Particularly Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, or any other redneck state. (Read: half of America). I also hate the Dakotas. And Montana. And Wyoming. And Utah. They serve no purpose.

4)Matthew McConaughey aka Wooderson and Slater San in Dazed and Confused are two of my favorite movie characters ever. Speaking of, every SINGLE time I watch Dazed and Confused it makes me want to go back to high school, where all you did was hang out and drive around (and in me and my friends case- find the Ghost Dog.)

5)My favorite decade is the 60s, and I would kill to have been a hippie back then. I'm obsessed with all things hippie-particularly sit ins, 'Nam Protests, million man marches, stoners, and most importantly, dudes with long/SHAGGY HAIR.

6.)I big league phone calls. Like I rarely answer my phone. Ever. I hate talking on the phone.

7.)I actually feel physical pain in my chest when I think about Notre Dame and how awesome those four years were. Like I can't think about it too long because its honestly physically and emotionally painful to remember and realize that your life peaked between the ages of 18-22. Fail.

8.)I used to keep a diary in high school. No joke. Half the entries were about how much I hated Kristof (yes, we're pretty close now, but most of my high school friends can attest to the ever occurring fights we would always have. That were a big deal to me of course, and never to him.) The other half were about whoever my crush of the week was. And a few poems from the budding Emily Dickinson I was. Heinously embarrassing.

9.)One of my favorite parts of high school was wearing my guy friends jerseys to home football games. Loved it.

10.)I am getting married at Disney World. Dead Serious, have been planning it for years.

11.)I also am going to have two identical twin boys named Theodore and Leonardo. (Theo and Leo) Theo will be smart, Leo will be athletic, and they will be the BEST of friends. They'll go to ND together and room together. Theo will go on an academic scholarship and Leo will go on a football one, obviously. And they'll protect their little sister, Mieke, and never make fun of her or ruin her barbie dolls like their Uncle Kristof used to do to their mom...

12.)I cry a lot. Like at what's on tv. It can be something legit sad, like Schindlers List, or the episode of Full House where Michelle can't remember anything 'cuz she fell off the horse. I'm just sensitive like that.

13.)I'm very picky about food. I only like "American" food. I can sum up the things I eat into five food groups- chicken, chocolate, peanut butter, queso, and bread. Oh, and bang bang shrimp from Bonefish.

14.)I am scared to death of thunderstorms. Always have been, probably always will be. Thats because I'm from Tornado alley, and thunderstorms generally lead to Tornado Warnings and Sirens going off and all around terribleness. My kindergarten teacher was convinced I was afraid of clouds, because as soon as they got dark I would start to cry.

15.)I was also really cool in elementary school, and now I'm starting to wonder if thats because I used to beat boys up. There were two in particular that used to annoy me, and I remember multiple occasions where I would drag them across gym floors or push them around. And I never got in trouble because my teachers thought I was a sweet little angel, and I guess they assumed the boys must have deserved it. However, look at that picture above...would you want to mess with me when I'm mad?

16.)I talk to my family excessive amounts a day. Like Emiel and I probably text at least 10 times a day. And I talk to my parents on the phone at least 3 times a day. And Kristof gets his probe in too. I didn't realize this wasn't that normal until recently.

17.)Im the most undomestic person you'll ever meet. I use my oven for storage. Except when it comes to making puppy chow or baking certain things like cookies or brownies. And by baking I mean taking the ones from the store where all you have to do is spread them on a cookie sheet.

18.)I used to be the biggest tom boy. I only wanted to wear things Kristof wore, which meant Jerseys and Gym shorts and sweet Air Jordans. I also used to trade baseball and basketball cards, and I always had the good ones. (Whats up Karl Air Man Malone?!)

19.)For show and tell, (when my dad used to coach for Purdue) everyone else would bring in their pet turtle or favorite stuffed animal, and I would bring in Purdue basketball players. Like once Glenn Robinson came. Who did I think I was?

20.)I sing to Domer before we go to bed every night. The same song- always You Are My Sunshine. But I change it to you are my Domepiece. He loves it. His tail always wags when I get to "Please dont take my Domepiece away". Bahahahaha.

Thats all for now know you love me. xoxo,


1 comment:

  1. I really LOVE that your brought people for show and tell. LOL. I mean, the rest was funny, but hot damn, your dad made his players come to school with you! Me + Your Dad = Instant Friends!
