Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 1- DONE

Herro Mongorrians!

What a week! A great one, not gonna lie. I love my job. I love the excitement of what we do, and I love the enviornment. We did lots of training this week- cross examinations, suppressions, all that. And we sat in on a murder trial. Unfortunately they found our client guilty. You can read about the original drama and what happened here, but the jury found him guilty of murder, in spite of his self defense defense. It was really fun (well for us, because our freedom wasn't hanging on the line) to see everything you learn in school play out in real life.

This week we are doing more training and I think have to do actual client interaction and representation on our own soon...eeek nerv! But very excited. As you guys know, I want to be representing juveniles because that's my career goal. I think I will be able to do that for a little bit, but also rotate through misdemeanors and D Felony's. I'll keep you posted!

In other news, do you guys think its possible to be addicted to sleep?

Sometimes I wonder if the reason I wanna be a defense attorney and defend drug users or whatever it is is because I understand addiction. Because of sleep. Because I need it. I crave it. I have to have it. Like my friends, and family, get SO mad at me because I always make "GTD"'s- Game Time Decisions, when it comes to making plans. Because I don't want to commit to anything in case I want to sleep or take a nap. And by nap I don't mean a 30 minute nap. I mean a minimum 2 hour nap. If I am only going to get less than 2 hours then I don't even bother. Like I usually average 12 hours of sleep a night. Any less than that and I am cranky. I need help.

I know I promised you a Tech story, but there wasn't as much drama as when I went to Pike. However it was just as entertaining. The story isn't told that well online, much better in person when I can imitate voices. I got asked out quite a few times by various teenagers and students of my that was interesting. Also one of Kristof's students asked me how old I was, and I said guess. He said 34!

THIRTY FOUR?! Really? I said try again. He goes 33!


Normally people tell me I have a baby face and look like I'm still in high school..but apparently not to him! Hilar.

Also, I've been told I need to give you all a quick vocabulary lesson with regards to all the slang I use.

Here ya go.

"Wagon"-Can be a noun, verb, adjective, or whatever you want. Shortened version of "bandwagon" if you will. It means to like something. However, bandwagon generally has a negative connotation and wagon is positive. Like, if you wagon something, it's a good thing. For example:
"That episode of Lost last night was so wagon!"
"I wagon the Tigers this year ever since they got Johnny Damon."
"You got a new car? Wagon!"

"Probe"- This is generally a verb. It means to check out, look into, talk, hang out. For example:
"What are you doin tonight? Wanna probe the new Ironman?"
"Andy's at your house? Yeah he's gettin a probe in about last nights Yankee game."
"What's your probe tonight? Wanna hit Broad Ripple?"

"Desp"- Just an abbreviated version of desperate. Like Domer when he is begging for food. So desp.

"Awk"- An abbreviated version of awkward. Yes, I abbreviate things. It's annoying to everyone but me. And Grant.

And so on and so on. I don't know what I'm leaving out but those are the main ones I use everyday and the ones that will pop up in my blog.

Alright peeps...I gotta gear up for the LOST finale tonight. Here are some music recommendations I currently wagon:
1.)K'Nann- Waving Flag- Celebration Remix. It's the 2010 Fifa World Cup Anthem. It makes me happy.
2.)Shakira- Gypsy
3.)Miley Cyrus- Can't be Tamed. I secretly love her.
4.)BOB Ft. Haley Williams and Eminem- Airplanes Part 2, not part I.
5.)Eminem- Not Afraid

Until next time...peace, love and Leo


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