Friday, June 4, 2010

The Mimi Awards > Academy Awards

Herro Mongorrians,

How are you all doing today? Everything I want to write about- all my good stories- I can't, because of attorney/client privilege. So instead of getting myself fired and disbarred before I'm even allowed to join the bar, I decided today I'd share with you guys my favorite movies.
People tend to put a lot of weight into what the Oscars deem Academy Award winning worthy, but in reality my opinion is much more spot on on what is real film making. So, the following are a few of my favorite films and why. FYI- I am measuring this by not only quality of movie, but how many times I watch it without getting sick of it.

*Note- I am limiting this to live action real people films, otherwise we all know Disney movies would likely take over.


Did you even have to ask? Now, aside from the fact that this was amazing acting by a then 23 year old Leo in 1997, he failed to win an Academy Award. Shameless. I know I wasn't the only one crying when he watched Rose get in that lifeboat only to hear Cal tell him there was no boat for him, while the music played on in the background. However, my Leo love aside, this actually was just a great movie. It brought the Titanic to life for our generation. And I remember, being 12, I thought that was the worst tragedy the world had seen. At the time I could not imagine anything worse than drowning. They put so much money into the movie, and the accuracy of the ship and the sinking- applause applause. And yes, the movie will would have made my list if Leo wasn't in it. It just may not have been number 1 :)

2.)Remember the Titans

"You make sure that they remember...FOREVER...the night they played the Titans!"

Oh Titans. Yet another one that hit me right in the heart. As someone that is obessed with Civil Rights and History, this movie was awesome to me. Heartbreaking, and awesome. Makes you feel good at the end. And just so greatly done. In high school, Beardmore and I could literally do the ENTIRE scene between Gerry and Julius at camp- "Hey man, lets just get some particulars and get this thing over with, alright?" "Particulars? No matter what I say you ain't gon never know nothing about me.." Okay, I'll stop. But if you don't like this movie, you have no soul. And you're a Klansmen.

3.)Dumb and Dumber.

Oh Harry and Lloyd. This was a movie you had to know and quote in middle school in order to be cool. Too bad it ended at middle school because I still say "Big Gulps huh? Alright...welp see ya later!" About once a day. This movie was great because the humor was so immature, but still funny. Not much else to say about Dumb and Dumber. Just a classic.

4.)Mean Girls.

I saw Cady Herron wearing Army pants and flip flops, so I bought Army pants and flip flops. This movie shows Tina Feys true genius, and how awesome Lindsey Lohan was before the coke. I mean every little thing about the movie was just so great. From the principal who hated his life, to the Plastics who were always looking for a Queen Bee to serve, to Shane Ownman in the projection room above the auditorium- just hilarious. This is a movie that is frequently quoted by my friends and I all the time as well.

5.)Blood Diamond.

Another Leo flick, yes, but SO good. I love movies that make people aware of social issues. I immediately decided I didn't want a diamond ring ever in my life...that lasted about 3 seconds, but I do check out every ring and dealership now to make sure they are conflict free. I mean, to put it bluntly, that shit was fucked up. People are cruel. Blood Diamond also fueled my desire to go to Africa even more. It's so sad to me that the continent of Africa is arguably the richest continent on the planet in natural resources and abilities- and yet people have raped and robbed it for centuries, eschewing its true beauty and using it for their gain. (Yes, there's some racial undertones here. Bad, white people, bad.) I just love movies that have a good story and get you thinking at the same time. The only reason I don't watch this as much as other movies is because it makes me sad- I don't want to watch those violent awful scenes over and over again. And what they do to Dia breaks my heart.


COME ON YOU DEVIL LOG! This is by far the best Ben Stiller movie I've ever seen, and it was before he was really famous. He clearly based his Dodgeball character on Tony Perkis. "I'm feeling skinny, Tony!" Again, one of the most quoted movies in the history of my existence. I could go on forever. "Dear Grandma- they say, war is hell. But they've never been to fat camp. I knew the food would be bad..but even he killed the blob. As for the go-karts...well, may the rest in pieces." *And in the background his dad yelling 'I DID NOT SEND YOU TO GO-KART CAMP.' HAHAHA. so classic.

Alright folks, I'm gonna stop there today, partly because my lunch breaks almost over and partly because I just don't want to write anymore. I will do some more all time greatest's another day...until then,

Peace, Love and Leo,


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