Thursday, June 10, 2010

What's in a name?

So, one of my friends told me about this trick on google. Well it's not really a trick. But, in the search box you just type your name and then "needs" and then see the first 10 things that pop up. It's pretty funny. Here are mine.

1.)Mimi needs to lose the attitude. (ha!)

2.)Mimi needs a tummy tuck. (I'll take it)

3.)Mimi needs help, women! (I'd prefer men)

4.)Mimi needs to find clothes that fit her (this was about Mariah Carey)

5.)Mimi needs a sweet home (I'm a dog now?)

6.)Mimi needs to strike back at Slim Shady! (Another Mariah)

7.)Mimi needs funding. (Ain't that the truth!)

8.)Mimi is too sexy for her jacket. (Yup)

9.)Mimi needs lots of sex (.... no comment...)

10.)Mimi needs a beam wagon (what the hell is that?)

Then, I looked up what a "Mimi" is defined as on Urban Dictionary. (Note- my personal favorite is number 5- it explains so much).

I found out that a Mimi is:

*1- A word to define a wonderful friend. Sweet, funny, sarcastic, but GREAT and beautiful. (I swear that's on there! I didn't make it up! however true it may be :)

*2- A small asian that likes to tell stories with no point.

*3- A cute and sexy babe that exhibits extreme gooorgeousness.

*4- Also known as a mini me

*5-Derived from the spanish word, dormir, it is Mexican slang for Sleep

So all together I'd like to say pretty accurate. Especially the small asian part.

So I thought that was funny. I encourage you all to try it when you're bored. Till next time,

Peace, Love and Leo



  1. Mimi, I love the illustration at the beginning.Yes,a lot of the mimi stuff the small Asian part does make one wonder..

  2. Hey meemmssaa! Just thought I'd share a few of my internet things with you! :)

    Heather needs.....
    1. Heather needs something more to be satisfied (dtf)
    2. Heather needs to start wearing a brassiere (HA, always do)
    3. Heather needs men now! (LOL SO true!)

    Name definition:
    1. Beatiful, creative,smart,spontanious, girl who would be a good catch to bring home to mother
    2. A person that you have so many inside jokes with, it is hard to keep track of them. Very rad in every way! Loves to chill and listen to music; or go on random walks. Always a good talker
    3. Usually a very pretty girl. Is smart, caring, and faithful. She is very loving, but sometimes does not know how to show it. She can also be very bitchy and gets jealous very easily. It's best not to get on her bad side. If you break her heart, she may not be very forgiving. She is very good in bed, all though she is not a whore, and knows how to suduce someone.

    love you girl
