Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm so hideous at this blog game!

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!

Sorry it has taken me so long to update...I'm not even going to give you false promises of more frequent updating this time. But I will TRY!

So, what has been going on in the past 7 months you may ask? I graduated from law school in May (yay) and am now working and studying for the Bar Exam! I am working as a Criminal Defense Lawyer, a Juvenile Public Defender to be exact, just like I did last summer, except permanently now! Very excited I got the job of my dreams.

(What's with the ankle wrap? Just sprained my ankle the day before graduation activities began. Walked off a curb wrong. It was fabulous limping across stage...)

Bar Exam, not so much as excited about. I started a class to prepare me for the Exam in May through BarBri- its 6-930 every night. So, I am at work 8-430 every day, then I go swim laps at the Natatorium, and then I am in class until 930. Since I am commuting from my parents at Fishers (not signing a lease 'till I know I passed the bar!) it takes about 40 minutes to get to and from work. Needless to say, I get home just in time to pat Domer on the head and then pass out! For those of you who don't have to endure the torturous study months of the bar exam, what we prepare for is two grueling days of testing. The first day, July 26th, is 8 hours of essay writing. A Performance Essay type test in the morning where they test your ability to take facts and write a legal memo, brief, etc, and substantive Indiana subject essays in the afternoon. There are 12 topics, and they give you 6. Of course they won't tell you which six, so you have to walk in the exam having memorized all 12. Then, the second day is 8 hours of multiple choice, covering 6 topics-Contracts, Property, Criminal Law, Torts, Evidence, and Constitutional Law. Every state has this part. Heinous, yes. This will be me after the exam:

However, it hasn't been nearly as heinous as it sounds due to the fact that I do love going to work every day. Never a dull moment in criminal law...

Needless to say I have been kept pretty busy the last couple months. However, I have a few new favorite websites I stay on when I do have time, and I wanted to share with you all!

Scrapwalls is a wonderful website for picture freaks like me. You can take all your pictures and make awesome collages, in so many different templates. There's a super cute Martini one for us 20 something gals to put pictures of our girls in, and there's ADORABLE, ADORABLE wedding ones, like the picture above. For my wedding (insert obvious I'm still single joke here) I plan on using the outline of the bride and groom, filling it with pictures of us, and then using it as a Guestbook. I'm giving you permission to steal my least for now. Hurry while I'm still generous.

Pinterest is like a virtual pin up board. You know how you have them around your house, office, etc? This is like having one on the internet. Whenever you find something you like, you pin it! And it shows up on your board. That way, if you find some cute decorating idea, you always have one place to find it. And you can see other peoples pins too. Very hard to explain, but check it out. It's addicting!

No explanation really needed here. I'm still constantly on the tweeter. Follow at your own risk.

Still the funniest celebrity blogger out there. He makes fun of them while publishing the important gossip news I desperately find myself inclined to keep up on. Including, Leonardo Dicaprio and Blake Lively. Last week they even went to Disney together. Disney, as you all know, is my favorite place on earth and where I plan on getting married. And not only does Blake decide to butt in and start dating him, but she then goes galavanting across Disney Land with him. Wasn't too much of a fan before, but now it's personal, Blake. Now it's personal.

Well my dears, thats about all I have time for for now- I'm off to go save the world one juvenile at a time. Hopefully I will be back soon, in the meantime make yourself a photo collage, or start pinning on Pinterest. You won't be disappointed!

Xoxo, Mimi

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I may go on a rampage today.

This picture adequately describes how I feel right now.

Warning: if you're offended by foul language, I'd stop reading today's post. (Sorry Mom)

So, for those of you don't follow my agonizingly trivial Twitter updates (click here) and don't know what's going on with me every second of every day, I thought I'd update you on how heinous my life is right now.

When I came back from fall break, I had a letter in my door stating they were going to start re-paneling my building. "The process should take about 3-4 weeks, and will work Monday-Saturday, 8-5." Now you can imagine this may be annoying to a normal human being. Let alone one with a dog, who sleeps until noon everyday, and whose day is absolutely ruined if she doesnt get enough sleep. It's like my drug. But I thought, maybe it won't be so bad.


Those fuckers have been hammering away for 2 weeks now and looks like they barely have made any progress. I don't know how long this is going to take. I could deal with just the hammering, but Domer seems to think he needs to bark for 3 HOURS STRAIGHT every SINGLE MORNING. We are on the second floor and they walk around on their ladders and he sees them and it's creepy, I get it. But you'd think he'd be over it by now. I've tried everything. I take him outside to show him they are just doing their job. I sit with him and pet him and tell him it's okay. I cuss him the fuck out and tell him to shut up. It has worked off and on, until this morning, when one of them had climbed on my patio- I guess it is more stable than the ladder, who knew. Anyways, Domer was NOT a fan of this. He pretty much tried to eat the man through the door. Again, I tried to explain to him he wasn't going to break in and hurt us, but oddly enough logic seems to be lost on him. Actual conversation we had this morning:

"DOMER! SHUT THE FUCK UP. I FUCKING GET IT. IT'S ANNOYING. Do you know what makes it more annoying? Your cake ass barking non stop. MOMMY IS PISSED. THEY ARE NOT GOING TO BREAK IN, I PROMISE. So unless you want to move to the FUCKING POUND, SHUT THE HELL UP."- me

*Silence, until I walk in my room and shut the door...then...WOOF WOOF!"-Domer

Fuck. And the thing is, I don't have class every day til 1 or 2. So generally I sleep til noon, work out, go to class, come back around 5. Domer barks all morning which is putting me in the gym significantly earlier than I'd prefer to be, but whatever. The KICKER is, when I come home at 5, they are still pounding away, and he's sound asleep on the couch. OH NOW IT'S OKAY TO SLEEP, WHEN I'M GONE. ASSHOLE.

I realize other people my age have real relationship problems. Well this is mine. My live in boyfriend is pissing me off.

I may be more annoyed than usual today because last night we had tornado warnings. And I get that I joke about 99% of the time, but I for real am scared to death of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. I mean I am from tornado alley. That shit kills people where I'm from. So, last night, about 1230am, tornado warnings and sirens afloat. I could not have been more scared all alone in my apartment. I tried to go to a friends house but it was raining so hard I couldn't even walk outside- no way I could have driven. So, a night of stress and fear plus a morning of barking and hammering= don't fuck with me today.

Anyways. Maybe my heinous life has given you all a laugh today. However, if my sleep schedule continues at the level it is right prepared to read a headline on CNN: "Sleep deprived law student, 24, shoots construction workers, then dog, then self. Leaves all personal items to Leonardo Dicaprio."

PS- on a funnier note- I have tried for a year now to resist Jersey Shore, but I have recently fell captive to it. I think the Situation is the sickest thing on earth, but he has a book coming out, and one of his quotes from it made me LAUGH OUT LOUD during my cloud of angry combative haze this morning. "God grant me the stamina to to satisfy hot girls, the courage to deny grenades, and the wisdom to know the difference."-HAHAHAHAHA. Hate him. But hilarious.

Peace, Love and Leo,


Monday, October 18, 2010

How well do YOU know Mimi?

Where you been?

Wow I haven't blogged in legit 3 months. I know my fans are dying. I apologize. Life gets in the way of blogging. And by life I mean TV shows- I recently got into Dexter, and have finished all 4 seasons in two weeks. Some may call this pathetic, I call this impressive.

So, today I thought I would do something fun for you- a quiz. How well do you know me? We'll start easy... answer key and prizes will be at the bottom...

1.)What movie did I see in the theater 9 times?
a.)Remember the Titans
c.)Inglorious Basterds
d.)Beauty and the Beast

2.)Which piece or pieces of jewelry do I never take off?
a.)The ring Chief gave me at graduation
b.)The necklace Chief and Meech gave me at graduation
c.)My ND class ring
d.) A and C
e.) B and C

3.)Where have I said that I am getting married at for as long as I can remember?
a.)Notre Dame- service in Basillica, reception in JACC
b.)Disney World
c.)Indianapolis so I'm close to home
d.)Belgium where my parents got married

4.) What do I plan on doing when I graduate?
a.)Moving to Indianapolis and becoming a PD
b.)Moving to DC and becoming a PD
c.)Going to another grad school to get a masters in social work
d.)Bumming off Chief and Meech till they kick me out and I have to get a job

5.)When I was little, what was (read: still is) my biggest fear?
b.) Snakes
c.) Thunderstorms
d.) Being a giant

6.)In High School I was the:
a)Senior Class President
b.)Homecoming Queen
c.)Sister in Kristof's basketball glory shadows
d.)Girl who sketched on boys from different schools
e.)all of the above

7.)Even if I'm in a good mood, certain things can make me cry instantly. One of these is:
a.)Songs I think would make good father/daughter wedding dance songs
b.)Those ASPCA animal commercials
c.)Thinking about the time Domer got hit by a car
d.)Greys Anatomy episodes

8.)Who is Big Chief?
b.)My dad
c)Dan Hess
d)My Grandpa

9.)What sports did I play in high school?
a.)Basketball and Golf
b.)Soccer and Gymnastics
c.)Softball and Swimming
d.)Basketball and Softball

10.)What do I think is a huge turn off?
a)Guys who act like thugs
b.)Guys who take longer to get ready than me
c.)Guys who don't have any game/Guys who think they have game but they don't
d.)Guys who aren't Leonardo DiCaprio
e.)All of the above

Alright....ANSWER KEY!!

5.)C..although Ill give you D to because I still am afraid of being a giant.

Hope you enjoyed the you know a tad more about me. Whether that is good or bad...jury's still out.

Peace, Love and Leo


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

These are my confessions

Hello all,

This is one of my favorite Leo pictures.

Also, I realize I suck at updating. I promise it will pick up once school starts in a month and I have to sit in class again everyday struggling to stay awake. I am so busy at work, in court all the time and loving it, that by the time I get home I'm too tired to update! But alas, I am back.

Now, I have had an overwhelming amount of requests (read: 2) to continue my post dealing with my confessions. Apparently my life secrets are so entertaining/embarrassing that you just couldn't get enough. What my readers want, my readers get.

21.)Every single "First Day of School" of my life I have cried, up until sophomore year at college. Every. Single. Time. In elementary school it was because I was shy and afraid of my new classmates. In junior high it was because I was a teenager. In high school it was because I wanted to go back to Westside. Freshmen year I was scared I couldn't hack it at ND. After that, I grew up. It only took 19 years.

22.)I plan on hiring a cook and a house keeper one day. I fail terribly at being domestic and I'm not even going to pretend to try to want to get better at it.

23.)I average between 10-12 hours of sleep a night. Sleep is my religion. I look forward to it during the day. Ask any of my friends- sometimes I will cancel plans to nap or refuse to make plans so that I can sleep in. All of them know better than to ask me to lunch/brunch anything on the weekend before 2pm. In the summers when I work, I am usually in bed by 930. I wake up at 715. You do the math. And it's still not enough sleep.

24.)I was a cuter kid than you.

25.)I used to be obsessed with Chipper Jones, and I was 2 feet away from him once.

Senior year of high school spring break (the best spring break EVER) I went with Laura, Francie and Shea on a cruise and to Orlando/Disney World. Us girls and Laura's dad went to get ice cream at a Dairy Queen, and since it was spring training season, we walked in and THERE WAS CHIPPER. Laura's dad was waiting in the car. Since I was with a bunch of non-sports loving girls, I kept staring and freaking out and they did not understand why. I immediately ran to the car to get Laura's dad, and he freaked out with me. Chipper was with his family, so I didn't ask for an autograph. Some people hang me for this, but I remember how pissed I would/still get when people would stop Chief on the street and try to probe. Especially when I was his little and just wanted his attention. So, I let him go. But being able to stare at him in person was good enough for me.
NOTE: I also went to a spring training game that same break with Laura's dad and brother while the girls layed out, and Tiger Woods and Elin were there...not married yet though. I remember thinking she wasn't pretty in real life.

26.)The first concert I ever went to was BOYS II MEN. I was 8, and so excited. Then I fell asleep in the opening act. FAIL. I had posters of them in my room, and every single CD they ever made. They still are my favorite band of all time. And I'll Make Love to You is one of my ringtones.

27.)I used to be so in love with Eminem. I also had every single one of his CDs, and I would blast them in my room. And in the car with my parents. You'd think this would be a little awkward- especially the songs about him killing his wife, drowning her in a lake and what not, but apparently my parents had no worries I would end up disturbed. Jokes on them, right?

28.)This isn't really a confession, but how wagon are these pictures of Chief from his NBA days? Make me laugh everytime.

29.)I'm obsessed with pregnancy. Not now, or anytime soon, but when I am married and ready etc, I AM GOING TO BE SO HYPE TO HAVE A BABY. I love all that stuff. And I love babies. And my baby is going to be so cute.

30.)My best friend Jamie has a new blog- It is everything my blog will never be- she is recently married and this blog is about the new recipes she tries. If you like cooking, check it out!!

Alright loves, until next time,

Peace, Love and Leo


Sunday, July 4, 2010

I suck at updating


My what a long time it has been! I realize this. Blogging is no easy feat. Actually I just do almost all things on the internet from my phone except blog. So that is why it has been so long. I shall try to do better. Lucky for you all I have a lonnggggg layover-I am currently in Germany right now stuck in the airport on my way back from Belgium. Lovely time over there by the way.

WARNING: This keyboard in Germany is f%&%ked up! The Z is where the Y is supposed to be. So I am going to to have a lot of typos and words and sentences where it seems like I am talking in Russian. I will trz to curtail it as much as possible, but beware.

So, many of you have requested a "Confessions Part II", so like my friend Usher, I will oblige.

1) I have become one of "those" animal people I always made fun of. I missed Domer so much over these past ten dazs in Belgium. I will never leave him for this long again. Like I'm dzing without him. (See what I mean about the z's? I'm too lazy to change it.)

2)When I can't fall asleep at night I plaz the Alphabet Game with mzself. Like, zou know when zou go from A to Z and pick a category- for example, countries- Algeria, Belgium, Canada...etc. I am a nerd like that. I am running out of categories though, I keep doing the same ones over and over and it's getting old. Feel free to throw some suggestions my way.

3)I absolutelz hate traveling. With a passion. This is nothing new. But I can't stand it. I can't stand flzing, I cant stand airports, I can't stand it when everything is not the waz I am used to it.

4)I also hate tourist things, but everzone knows that. Thez combine two of my most hated things-walking and traveling. Blech. I don't see the point. Shit looks exactlz the same on a postcard as it does 5 feet in front of me.

5)I am so desperate for real food. In my previous confessions zou read the food I eat falls into five verz narrow categories. I have been starving in Belgium. I literallz go to bed at night and dream of Burger King and Panera and Bonefish Grill. The second I get stateside I am getting the grilled chicken ceasar salad from Burger King. I've been dreaming of it for ten dazs now. It's like an oasis.

6)Going off of that, I realiyed I am a verz cheap date. (With the FOOD fellas, relax). I hate everzthing fancz. Chain restaurants make me so happy. Anything fancz grosses me out, and I always have to end up ordering steak. And I don't like steak. Not at all. But it's the onlz halfwaz edible things on fancz menus- like raw duck and oyster shells. Really?

This post is becoming mildy incoherent with all the kezboard typos and mz ranting. I am going to end it now and continue more later. I promise.

Love zou all,

Peace Love and Leo


Thursday, June 10, 2010

What's in a name?

So, one of my friends told me about this trick on google. Well it's not really a trick. But, in the search box you just type your name and then "needs" and then see the first 10 things that pop up. It's pretty funny. Here are mine.

1.)Mimi needs to lose the attitude. (ha!)

2.)Mimi needs a tummy tuck. (I'll take it)

3.)Mimi needs help, women! (I'd prefer men)

4.)Mimi needs to find clothes that fit her (this was about Mariah Carey)

5.)Mimi needs a sweet home (I'm a dog now?)

6.)Mimi needs to strike back at Slim Shady! (Another Mariah)

7.)Mimi needs funding. (Ain't that the truth!)

8.)Mimi is too sexy for her jacket. (Yup)

9.)Mimi needs lots of sex (.... no comment...)

10.)Mimi needs a beam wagon (what the hell is that?)

Then, I looked up what a "Mimi" is defined as on Urban Dictionary. (Note- my personal favorite is number 5- it explains so much).

I found out that a Mimi is:

*1- A word to define a wonderful friend. Sweet, funny, sarcastic, but GREAT and beautiful. (I swear that's on there! I didn't make it up! however true it may be :)

*2- A small asian that likes to tell stories with no point.

*3- A cute and sexy babe that exhibits extreme gooorgeousness.

*4- Also known as a mini me

*5-Derived from the spanish word, dormir, it is Mexican slang for Sleep

So all together I'd like to say pretty accurate. Especially the small asian part.

So I thought that was funny. I encourage you all to try it when you're bored. Till next time,

Peace, Love and Leo


Friday, June 4, 2010

The Mimi Awards > Academy Awards

Herro Mongorrians,

How are you all doing today? Everything I want to write about- all my good stories- I can't, because of attorney/client privilege. So instead of getting myself fired and disbarred before I'm even allowed to join the bar, I decided today I'd share with you guys my favorite movies.
People tend to put a lot of weight into what the Oscars deem Academy Award winning worthy, but in reality my opinion is much more spot on on what is real film making. So, the following are a few of my favorite films and why. FYI- I am measuring this by not only quality of movie, but how many times I watch it without getting sick of it.

*Note- I am limiting this to live action real people films, otherwise we all know Disney movies would likely take over.


Did you even have to ask? Now, aside from the fact that this was amazing acting by a then 23 year old Leo in 1997, he failed to win an Academy Award. Shameless. I know I wasn't the only one crying when he watched Rose get in that lifeboat only to hear Cal tell him there was no boat for him, while the music played on in the background. However, my Leo love aside, this actually was just a great movie. It brought the Titanic to life for our generation. And I remember, being 12, I thought that was the worst tragedy the world had seen. At the time I could not imagine anything worse than drowning. They put so much money into the movie, and the accuracy of the ship and the sinking- applause applause. And yes, the movie will would have made my list if Leo wasn't in it. It just may not have been number 1 :)

2.)Remember the Titans

"You make sure that they remember...FOREVER...the night they played the Titans!"

Oh Titans. Yet another one that hit me right in the heart. As someone that is obessed with Civil Rights and History, this movie was awesome to me. Heartbreaking, and awesome. Makes you feel good at the end. And just so greatly done. In high school, Beardmore and I could literally do the ENTIRE scene between Gerry and Julius at camp- "Hey man, lets just get some particulars and get this thing over with, alright?" "Particulars? No matter what I say you ain't gon never know nothing about me.." Okay, I'll stop. But if you don't like this movie, you have no soul. And you're a Klansmen.

3.)Dumb and Dumber.

Oh Harry and Lloyd. This was a movie you had to know and quote in middle school in order to be cool. Too bad it ended at middle school because I still say "Big Gulps huh? Alright...welp see ya later!" About once a day. This movie was great because the humor was so immature, but still funny. Not much else to say about Dumb and Dumber. Just a classic.

4.)Mean Girls.

I saw Cady Herron wearing Army pants and flip flops, so I bought Army pants and flip flops. This movie shows Tina Feys true genius, and how awesome Lindsey Lohan was before the coke. I mean every little thing about the movie was just so great. From the principal who hated his life, to the Plastics who were always looking for a Queen Bee to serve, to Shane Ownman in the projection room above the auditorium- just hilarious. This is a movie that is frequently quoted by my friends and I all the time as well.

5.)Blood Diamond.

Another Leo flick, yes, but SO good. I love movies that make people aware of social issues. I immediately decided I didn't want a diamond ring ever in my life...that lasted about 3 seconds, but I do check out every ring and dealership now to make sure they are conflict free. I mean, to put it bluntly, that shit was fucked up. People are cruel. Blood Diamond also fueled my desire to go to Africa even more. It's so sad to me that the continent of Africa is arguably the richest continent on the planet in natural resources and abilities- and yet people have raped and robbed it for centuries, eschewing its true beauty and using it for their gain. (Yes, there's some racial undertones here. Bad, white people, bad.) I just love movies that have a good story and get you thinking at the same time. The only reason I don't watch this as much as other movies is because it makes me sad- I don't want to watch those violent awful scenes over and over again. And what they do to Dia breaks my heart.


COME ON YOU DEVIL LOG! This is by far the best Ben Stiller movie I've ever seen, and it was before he was really famous. He clearly based his Dodgeball character on Tony Perkis. "I'm feeling skinny, Tony!" Again, one of the most quoted movies in the history of my existence. I could go on forever. "Dear Grandma- they say, war is hell. But they've never been to fat camp. I knew the food would be bad..but even he killed the blob. As for the go-karts...well, may the rest in pieces." *And in the background his dad yelling 'I DID NOT SEND YOU TO GO-KART CAMP.' HAHAHA. so classic.

Alright folks, I'm gonna stop there today, partly because my lunch breaks almost over and partly because I just don't want to write anymore. I will do some more all time greatest's another day...until then,

Peace, Love and Leo,
