Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm so hideous at this blog game!

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!

Sorry it has taken me so long to update...I'm not even going to give you false promises of more frequent updating this time. But I will TRY!

So, what has been going on in the past 7 months you may ask? I graduated from law school in May (yay) and am now working and studying for the Bar Exam! I am working as a Criminal Defense Lawyer, a Juvenile Public Defender to be exact, just like I did last summer, except permanently now! Very excited I got the job of my dreams.

(What's with the ankle wrap? Just sprained my ankle the day before graduation activities began. Walked off a curb wrong. It was fabulous limping across stage...)

Bar Exam, not so much as excited about. I started a class to prepare me for the Exam in May through BarBri- its 6-930 every night. So, I am at work 8-430 every day, then I go swim laps at the Natatorium, and then I am in class until 930. Since I am commuting from my parents at Fishers (not signing a lease 'till I know I passed the bar!) it takes about 40 minutes to get to and from work. Needless to say, I get home just in time to pat Domer on the head and then pass out! For those of you who don't have to endure the torturous study months of the bar exam, what we prepare for is two grueling days of testing. The first day, July 26th, is 8 hours of essay writing. A Performance Essay type test in the morning where they test your ability to take facts and write a legal memo, brief, etc, and substantive Indiana subject essays in the afternoon. There are 12 topics, and they give you 6. Of course they won't tell you which six, so you have to walk in the exam having memorized all 12. Then, the second day is 8 hours of multiple choice, covering 6 topics-Contracts, Property, Criminal Law, Torts, Evidence, and Constitutional Law. Every state has this part. Heinous, yes. This will be me after the exam:

However, it hasn't been nearly as heinous as it sounds due to the fact that I do love going to work every day. Never a dull moment in criminal law...

Needless to say I have been kept pretty busy the last couple months. However, I have a few new favorite websites I stay on when I do have time, and I wanted to share with you all!

Scrapwalls is a wonderful website for picture freaks like me. You can take all your pictures and make awesome collages, in so many different templates. There's a super cute Martini one for us 20 something gals to put pictures of our girls in, and there's ADORABLE, ADORABLE wedding ones, like the picture above. For my wedding (insert obvious I'm still single joke here) I plan on using the outline of the bride and groom, filling it with pictures of us, and then using it as a Guestbook. I'm giving you permission to steal my least for now. Hurry while I'm still generous.

Pinterest is like a virtual pin up board. You know how you have them around your house, office, etc? This is like having one on the internet. Whenever you find something you like, you pin it! And it shows up on your board. That way, if you find some cute decorating idea, you always have one place to find it. And you can see other peoples pins too. Very hard to explain, but check it out. It's addicting!

No explanation really needed here. I'm still constantly on the tweeter. Follow at your own risk.

Still the funniest celebrity blogger out there. He makes fun of them while publishing the important gossip news I desperately find myself inclined to keep up on. Including, Leonardo Dicaprio and Blake Lively. Last week they even went to Disney together. Disney, as you all know, is my favorite place on earth and where I plan on getting married. And not only does Blake decide to butt in and start dating him, but she then goes galavanting across Disney Land with him. Wasn't too much of a fan before, but now it's personal, Blake. Now it's personal.

Well my dears, thats about all I have time for for now- I'm off to go save the world one juvenile at a time. Hopefully I will be back soon, in the meantime make yourself a photo collage, or start pinning on Pinterest. You won't be disappointed!

Xoxo, Mimi

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