Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Money and Memories

Every post is going to start with a picture or two of the love of my life. So get used to it. And, I wanted to show you a pic of my pool. As much as I rag on Wake, one nice thing about being down in North Carolina is instead of studying in a blizzard in April I can study by the pool. This, my friends, makes me happy. However, don't ever forget, Notre Dame is still the best, always has been, always will be. And I miss it terribly. But that's another post.

So, lately this lack of money thing has started to annoy me. I can't wait 'til I can live off an attorneys salary and not as a student who is in $120,000 worth of debt thanks to law school. Except by the time my debt is paid off I'll be married with little kids(hopefully) and will not be able to spend it on Maybe I should start playing the lottery?

Random side note- Charlie Murphy has a stand up. I want to see it and buy it. Have any of you? He was my favorite on the Chapelle Show.

Random site note #2- I Cannot WAIT to see Death at a Funeral when it comes out this week. Chris Rock + Tracy Morgan + Martin Lawrence= GENIUS.

The other night I went to Target, to postpone studying, and that store never ceases to amaze me. I can go in for one thing ( looking for a sundress, for example ) and spend a minimum of an hour there deciding I want everything. At one point in time, I had in my cart:
-Pocahontas Special 2-Disc Edition
-Alice in Wonderland special 2 Disc Edition
-new swimsuit
-new Jodi Picoult book
-A black skirt
-a sweet pair of gold flats
- $2.50 black flip flops
-2 toys for Domer

What I left with? black flip flops and a 2 toys for Domer. Amount spent? $6.35. Now I know what my mom mean when she would say that her paycheck goes straight to bills and us- my money goes straight to bills and Domer. FAIL.

Lately I have been waxing nostalgic about how much easier life was when we were little. And the little things we took for granted. Like, I was thinking about how flipping cool it was when we would go to Indy, to Circle Center Mall, and get to go to FAO SCHWARZ! That was like the Rich Man's Toys R Us. And they just had a world full of dolls. Beautiful dolls. And it was such a treat when I got one. Just walking into FAO Schwarz could make my day/week/life. So simple.

Also, we got naps and snacks for free in kindergarten. That was awesome. Like. It was part of your day, you were required to take a nap. Not like now when people look down on me for planning a nap into my day...

Also, remember Jr High? SO awkward. I was remembering how Jared, Francie and I used to rush home from school everyday in 7th grade just to call each other on the phone and watch TRL together. And then we'd have to get off if someone wanted to get online because we all had DIAL UP MODEMS. When I was relaying this story to Jared today, he asked me if I remembered that one time a teacher stole my note I was writing and read it out loud to the class, and I cried the rest of the day. HAHAHA. I do NOT remember this, but I have no doubt it happened. I was a note writing machine. I wonder what the note was about? Probably Leo. Nothings changed- I write the same notes about Leo now, they're just in gchat form...forever a 13 year old.

I decided I'm going to end all my posts with "Mimi's Recommendations" of the week. This week's are:
1) Price of Beauty, Jessica Simpson's show on VH1. Airs Monday at 10. Great show, goes through what women will do to feel beautiful. And I love Jessica Simpson- she's not fake and what you see is what you get. She goes to all these different countries and sees what makes a person beautiful in that country. My favorites are the Africa ones, obviously.
2) Havent Met You Yet- by Michael Buble. SUCH a good song!
3)Anything by Justin Bieber, particularly Eenie Meanie, Baby, and U Smile. I love that little muffin.


  1. All I have to say is: Target is the HEAVEN...and yet I despise it nonetheless because, unlike you on your trip to Target, I can never leave the store without spending less thatn $60. Seriously. It's ridic. They have everything there. And alas, I too am subject to the law student budget. I feel your pain.

    Un/Slightly-related: Blogs are fun! Read mine too You're right, all the Cool Kids are bloggers. I'm just saying...

  2. Ha . . . perpetual 13 year old girl! I also reminisce on the simpler times and the uncertainty of the future with more than $100K looming, so I am feeling you on this post!
