Saturday, April 10, 2010

Another day in the life of Domer and I

Hello all,

Like I said, I'm starting this blog because:
A)Its the cool thing to do
B)I want people to read it, think I'm funny, forward it to their friends, who forward it to their friends, who forward to someone who wants to give me a book deal, and then I'll be a New York Times Best Seller, Leo will read my book, fall in love with me, and we'll go to Africa and stop the blood diamond trade together and live happily ever after.
C)This is more fun than studying.

So, my plan is just to write whenever I have time (rarely) or during class when I'm bored (much more likely.) To those of you who for some reason don't check my facebook on a daily basis, here's what's new in my life. I found out Monday that I got the job with the Indianapolis Public Defenders Office, which I had been waiting for for quite some time. I had gotten a job offer to work for Legal Aid in North Carolina in October, but I had turned it down for a few reasons. I don't want to practice law in North Carolina when I graduate, and I miss my family and friends at home and wanted to be there this summer. I was starting to wonder if I was going to end up flipping burgers at McDonald's this summer, and finally my luck turned around. I really wanted to spend the summer as a public defender, because as most of you know I am a bleeding heart liberal who would love to be a champion of the poor. However, I wanted to make sure criminal defense was something I could hack- because I didn't want to sign up for it next year and get stuck in a contract for the next five years, defending scum bags, if I hated it. But in all honestly, the reason I want to be a public defender criminal defense lawyer is because I actually do believe everyone is innocent 'til proven guilty, and i DEFINITELY believe that the type of defense you receive should NOT hinge on how much money you have. I also want to focus solely on juvenile defense- which I will get to do some this summer, but I will also be moved around to misdemeanors and felonies.

I want to do juvenile defense because kids are kids- they mess up all the time. Think how many things we all did as kids that if we got caught, would have got in trouble for. And it's much easier for those of us who have good parents to teach us right from wrong. A lot of these kids don't have any real parents-let alone good parents - and a life of crime and violence is all they know. I want these kids to have a second chance. Or maybe even a third. And i want to do everything possible for them to be able to experience the awesome things in life i have experienced, instead of rotting away in a juvenile detention facility or jail, because they sold someone drugs for money, food, etc. I realize this is a tad bad idealistic- viewing the criminal world as mostly one of crimes of necessity, and I know that's far from the truth, but that's what this summer will be about...figuring out how I feel about defending those criminals who are just hardened and cold. However, i still in my heart believe that most kids in the juvenile system are good kids who do bad things. We'll see how my theory tests out/changes at the end of the summer. But I digress.

Since I will have finished my second year of law school by this summer, I will be able to try cases by myself in court. This is EXTREMELY intimidating and nerve wracking to me...but also very exciting. I will have to curb the use of my abbreviations and vocabulary (I don't think me saying "Objection judge- the prosecution is being an over probe- tell him to hang it up" will work out so well) . People ask me what I want to practice if I end up not liking defense, and the answer to that is family law. Even if I do like defense, i eventually will probably want to do family law. My goal in life is still to become an international adoption lawyer, and I wouldn't mind doing divorces and all that jazz for a while either.

Let's see what else. Domer. The love of my life. This dog is hilarious. He is excited to go home this summer I can tell- he is getting very tired of me just laying on the couch studying...(well, more like watching TV while holding a book up in front of my face. But whatever.) Today was one of the first cooler days we've had in a few weeks- only 70ish- so I took Domer to his version of Disney World- the dog park. He loves it. He can't go when it's hot out however because he is too fat and his lungs are too small and his throat is too small and he just can't breathe normally like other dogs- so the heat does him in much quicker. Needless to say he was happy to make his triumphant return to the dog park. Everyone there loves him because, how could you not love that face? And he loves the attention. Wonder where he gets that from...

Alright I admit this post was kind of boring. But it's finals time, and my brain is a little fried. But now everyone knows where I'm at in life, and I promise my next post will be better.


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