Wednesday, July 21, 2010

These are my confessions

Hello all,

This is one of my favorite Leo pictures.

Also, I realize I suck at updating. I promise it will pick up once school starts in a month and I have to sit in class again everyday struggling to stay awake. I am so busy at work, in court all the time and loving it, that by the time I get home I'm too tired to update! But alas, I am back.

Now, I have had an overwhelming amount of requests (read: 2) to continue my post dealing with my confessions. Apparently my life secrets are so entertaining/embarrassing that you just couldn't get enough. What my readers want, my readers get.

21.)Every single "First Day of School" of my life I have cried, up until sophomore year at college. Every. Single. Time. In elementary school it was because I was shy and afraid of my new classmates. In junior high it was because I was a teenager. In high school it was because I wanted to go back to Westside. Freshmen year I was scared I couldn't hack it at ND. After that, I grew up. It only took 19 years.

22.)I plan on hiring a cook and a house keeper one day. I fail terribly at being domestic and I'm not even going to pretend to try to want to get better at it.

23.)I average between 10-12 hours of sleep a night. Sleep is my religion. I look forward to it during the day. Ask any of my friends- sometimes I will cancel plans to nap or refuse to make plans so that I can sleep in. All of them know better than to ask me to lunch/brunch anything on the weekend before 2pm. In the summers when I work, I am usually in bed by 930. I wake up at 715. You do the math. And it's still not enough sleep.

24.)I was a cuter kid than you.

25.)I used to be obsessed with Chipper Jones, and I was 2 feet away from him once.

Senior year of high school spring break (the best spring break EVER) I went with Laura, Francie and Shea on a cruise and to Orlando/Disney World. Us girls and Laura's dad went to get ice cream at a Dairy Queen, and since it was spring training season, we walked in and THERE WAS CHIPPER. Laura's dad was waiting in the car. Since I was with a bunch of non-sports loving girls, I kept staring and freaking out and they did not understand why. I immediately ran to the car to get Laura's dad, and he freaked out with me. Chipper was with his family, so I didn't ask for an autograph. Some people hang me for this, but I remember how pissed I would/still get when people would stop Chief on the street and try to probe. Especially when I was his little and just wanted his attention. So, I let him go. But being able to stare at him in person was good enough for me.
NOTE: I also went to a spring training game that same break with Laura's dad and brother while the girls layed out, and Tiger Woods and Elin were there...not married yet though. I remember thinking she wasn't pretty in real life.

26.)The first concert I ever went to was BOYS II MEN. I was 8, and so excited. Then I fell asleep in the opening act. FAIL. I had posters of them in my room, and every single CD they ever made. They still are my favorite band of all time. And I'll Make Love to You is one of my ringtones.

27.)I used to be so in love with Eminem. I also had every single one of his CDs, and I would blast them in my room. And in the car with my parents. You'd think this would be a little awkward- especially the songs about him killing his wife, drowning her in a lake and what not, but apparently my parents had no worries I would end up disturbed. Jokes on them, right?

28.)This isn't really a confession, but how wagon are these pictures of Chief from his NBA days? Make me laugh everytime.

29.)I'm obsessed with pregnancy. Not now, or anytime soon, but when I am married and ready etc, I AM GOING TO BE SO HYPE TO HAVE A BABY. I love all that stuff. And I love babies. And my baby is going to be so cute.

30.)My best friend Jamie has a new blog- It is everything my blog will never be- she is recently married and this blog is about the new recipes she tries. If you like cooking, check it out!!

Alright loves, until next time,

Peace, Love and Leo


Sunday, July 4, 2010

I suck at updating


My what a long time it has been! I realize this. Blogging is no easy feat. Actually I just do almost all things on the internet from my phone except blog. So that is why it has been so long. I shall try to do better. Lucky for you all I have a lonnggggg layover-I am currently in Germany right now stuck in the airport on my way back from Belgium. Lovely time over there by the way.

WARNING: This keyboard in Germany is f%&%ked up! The Z is where the Y is supposed to be. So I am going to to have a lot of typos and words and sentences where it seems like I am talking in Russian. I will trz to curtail it as much as possible, but beware.

So, many of you have requested a "Confessions Part II", so like my friend Usher, I will oblige.

1) I have become one of "those" animal people I always made fun of. I missed Domer so much over these past ten dazs in Belgium. I will never leave him for this long again. Like I'm dzing without him. (See what I mean about the z's? I'm too lazy to change it.)

2)When I can't fall asleep at night I plaz the Alphabet Game with mzself. Like, zou know when zou go from A to Z and pick a category- for example, countries- Algeria, Belgium, Canada...etc. I am a nerd like that. I am running out of categories though, I keep doing the same ones over and over and it's getting old. Feel free to throw some suggestions my way.

3)I absolutelz hate traveling. With a passion. This is nothing new. But I can't stand it. I can't stand flzing, I cant stand airports, I can't stand it when everything is not the waz I am used to it.

4)I also hate tourist things, but everzone knows that. Thez combine two of my most hated things-walking and traveling. Blech. I don't see the point. Shit looks exactlz the same on a postcard as it does 5 feet in front of me.

5)I am so desperate for real food. In my previous confessions zou read the food I eat falls into five verz narrow categories. I have been starving in Belgium. I literallz go to bed at night and dream of Burger King and Panera and Bonefish Grill. The second I get stateside I am getting the grilled chicken ceasar salad from Burger King. I've been dreaming of it for ten dazs now. It's like an oasis.

6)Going off of that, I realiyed I am a verz cheap date. (With the FOOD fellas, relax). I hate everzthing fancz. Chain restaurants make me so happy. Anything fancz grosses me out, and I always have to end up ordering steak. And I don't like steak. Not at all. But it's the onlz halfwaz edible things on fancz menus- like raw duck and oyster shells. Really?

This post is becoming mildy incoherent with all the kezboard typos and mz ranting. I am going to end it now and continue more later. I promise.

Love zou all,

Peace Love and Leo
